INTERVIEW | 05/03/2025 | 08:21
di Francesca Monzone

He has been achieving important successes and in just six days of racing, he has been on the podium four times, with three placements and one victory, often leaving great champions behind. This is Paul Magnier, the French young man who started racing in mountain bike and is one of the rising stars of French cycling.

He will turn 21 next April and is in his second professional season with Soudal-Quick Step: in the Belgian team, he has managed to win everyone's trust, including Remco Evenepoel's.

His season started with the Etoile de Bessèges where he immediately obtained a victory and a third place, while at the Figueira Classic he came second, showing that he can also have his say on climbs. We will see him at Tirreno-Adriatico and then at Milan-San Remo and also at the Giro d'Italia, where he will be able to measure himself against Wout van Aert.

Signals from the classic roads were immediately excellent for him: after the second place at Omloop Het Nieuwsblad, yesterday he came second at Le Samyn where, after crossing the finish line, the winner Van der Poel congratulated him.

"I am one of his biggest fans" - Magnier said referring to Van der Poel - "I am very happy with this result and it's a dream to race next to someone like Mathieu. The finale was difficult and then came his acceleration and no one could keep up, but being on the podium with him is truly something incredible".

Last year, there was much interest after the data relating to the young Frenchman's sprints in training, who at 19 had performed better than Tim Merlier, although these were uphill tests.

"This winter Tim and I didn't challenge each other very often, but let's say we did 50-50 in terms of results. In training, I can beat him in a sprint on a straight line, but for me it's not yet possible to beat Tim in a race. He can always do more in a race compared to training. At the moment, he remains a better sprinter than me".

Although young, Paul Magnier is showing character and great qualities and with his 187 cm height and 75 kg weight, as well as for his character traits, he resembles the great champions of the Classics.

"Tim Merlier says that as a rider I look like Wout van Aert, but I prefer Van der Poel's class. I had never spoken with Van der Poel before Samyn, but he had sent a message to Tim about the watts I produce when training. Someone on X had reported my wattage on Strava, Van der Poel had seen it and apparently was surprised. He let Tim know that he would drop me before we could even sprint together".

Magnier looks to the future and dreams of winning a Classic in a sprint, perhaps against his idol van der Poel.

"As everyone always says: a sprint at the end of a Classic is something very special. Just look at how Asgreen beat Van der Poel at the 2021 Tour of Flanders. In training I can pedal 1,800 watts, but I've never managed that in a race. Van der Poel and Van Aert are true specialists in sprints after difficult races, but I also prefer sprints with some fatigue in the legs. This is important for a Classic rider".

The talented Frenchman this year will race his first Milan-San Remo, which will also be his first Monument Classic. He knows the competition will be tough and thinks that one day his name might be written in the Classicissima's roll of honor.

"I will race Milan-San Remo. It's the Monument Classic that currently suits my characteristics best and it's a race I might win one day. This year I won't race Paris-Roubaix, but it will be a goal for me in the future. I don't think I'll win this year. But in two, three, or four years, when young riders like me will have participated in the Classics a couple of times and will know where the important points of the race are, I think then we will be able to compete for victory".

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