JUNIORS | 05/03/2025 | 08:03
di Alessandro Brambilla

123 years old and feeling young. The Canturino Cycling Club 1902 of president Paolo Frigerio presented the 2025 season in the auditorium of the Cooperative Credit Bank, a loyal and significant sponsor. Besides the BCC president, Angelo Porro, the presidium table included Alice Galbiati, Mayor of Cantù, and Martina Piera, member of the Como Provincial Committee of the Italian Cycling Federation. Naturally, Paolo Frigerio, Mauro Viotti, and other directors of the yellow-blue association invited some VIPs. Among these was Morena Tartagni, the first Italian woman to stand on the podium at a Cycling World Championship. At the BCC, Rossella Ratto was also present, who in the recent era of women's cycling achieved some beautiful satisfactions, including the bronze medal at the World Road Championship in Florence 2013. In the race won by Marianne Vos, Ratto finished third and was the only Italian to win a medal in that World Championship edition. Currently, Rossella is the nutritionist for Canturino.

The Canturino Cycling Club continues its activities with boys riding Guerciotti bikes and junior girls equipped with Bianchi. Canturino is hunting for victories in male races with 10 athletes directed by Alvin Mazza and Andrea Arnaboldi. The staff confirmed Filippo Cappelletti, born in Milan on January 9, 2007. Last year, he obtained a second place and various placements. Cappelletti managed to win races as a beginner and junior. Simone Castelli, born in Carate Brianza on September 8, 2007, also won as a junior. The club of patron Frigerio confirmed him, along with Mattia Gaffuri, born in Como on November 5, 2007, and Fabio Tettamanti (born in Como, April 4, 2007) who succeeded in winning as a junior but remained without results in his first junior season.

"We are not worried about athletes who struggle to obtain important results in their first junior season," exclaims DS Arnaboldi. "We had, for example, Alessandro Fancellu, who collected little as a seventeen-year-old and then exploded with significant victories and third place in the World Championship won by Remco Evenepoel."

Among the confirmed riders is Diego Vianello from Novara, born in Borgomanero on May 14, 2007. Diego lives in Cureggio and currently boasts some placements. Marco Sambinello (Varese, December 20, 2007) was last year's Italian Junior Team Time Trial Champion with Bustese Olonia. Another new yellow-blue standard bearer is Daniele Gusmeroli from Sondrio (May 30, 2008), born in Chiavenna, with a victory obtained as a junior; he comes from Pedale Morbegnese. Pietro Cermenati (June 20, 2008) was a junior in Pedale Senaghese. He's from Brianza, born in Desio, and as a beginner he secured a victory and also finished second. Additionally, in the male junior roster is Emanuele Besana, born in Como on March 16, 2008, from the Alzate Brianza Sports Group. Emanuele also lives in Alzate Brianza and celebrated a track success as a beginner. Luca Brancaleon (October 29, 2007) was born in Tradate (Varese) and comes from the Valceresio society. Labeled a cyclocross rider, he boasts numerous placements.

The girls are entrusted to Pino Sala. Confirmed is Bergamo native Misia Belotti, Italian national in the individual time trial World Championship in Zurich. Misia, born on September 30, 2007, won a race as a junior and another among juniors. The student from Tagliuno is the Lombardy Time Trial Champion. Provincial Como Cyclocross Champion Romina Di Sciuva, from Figino Serenza, is another confirmation. Among the beginners, she managed to win on the road and this year tries again with great determination. Miss Romina Di Sciuva was born in Como on March 20, 2007. Also remaining with the Canturino Cycling Club is Milanese Sofia Farina, born in Cernusco sul Naviglio on October 29, 2007. Sofia won a race as a junior. The Cantù club recruited Giada Cattani (born in Saronno on January 7, 2008) from Bike Cadorago, a multiple placer living in Cislago (Varese). Three girls come from the Gioca In Bici Oglio Po society: Giulia Santella, born in Mantua on August 15, 2008, Sara Veneri, from Reggio born in Guastalla (September 8, 2008), and Cremonese Gloria Vezzosi (Casalmaggiore, August 11, 2008). Santella celebrated a victory as a junior, Veneri became the Emilia Romagna Regional Champion, and Vezzosi boasts placements. Completing the yellow-blue cycling girls is Michela Zucca, born in Pavia on October 11, 2008. With 3 wins, 3 second places, and 5 third places as a junior, she is the newcomer with the richest palmares. Zucca comes from the thriving nursery of Cesano Maderno, chaired by Giuseppe Fontana. On May 1st, "Workers' Day," many will rest. The Canturino Cycling Club staff, however, will work: on May 1st in the heart of Cantù, there will be 2 junior races, males in the morning, girls in the afternoon.

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