PROFESSIONALS | 01/03/2025 | 20:20
di Federico Guido

With the support of his Israel-Premier Tech, Derek Gee gave an important demonstration of strength in the fourth stage of the O Gran Camiño 2025, making his leadership in the general classification even more solid. Despite this, the Canadian failed to put the cherry on top by missing the stage victory (which went to the surprising Sergio Chumil), but in the end, he could still be satisfied with the results of today's kilometers.

"My team was fantastic today. They made the race really tough, to the point that when I attacked on the steepest part of the penultimate mountain climb, I was already at my limit. They did an extraordinary job, and it was a shame not to be able to break away solo because it would have been nice to win the stage to repay their effort," said the increasingly solid yellow jersey of the race.

"Chumil? I didn't know if he was strong in the sprint or not. From the team car, they told me to focus on the general classification, and while going all out uphill, I couldn't drop him. In the finale, I was quite tired and thought that maybe if I had attacked later, I could have surprised him, but in the end, he held on and deserved the stage victory," Gee continued before looking ahead to tomorrow's final stage and the possible overall win.

"The general classification? We're almost there, but we can't say we've won before the race is over. Tomorrow, there's gravel, so you never know what can happen. I hope I don't get a puncture and can close the deal. On gravel, I've had both good and bad days. The gravel stage at last year's Tour, for example, was one of the best of my career. Tomorrow, I hope it's one of those positive experiences, but it's always a bit unpredictable, and you never know what can happen."

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