EVENTS | 01/03/2025 | 07:58

Cycling is once again the protagonist at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari Racetrack in Imola. Today at 3:30 PM, the occasion will be provided by the presentation of the youth sports society Ciclistica Santerno Fabbi Imola, active since 1995 and now, thirty years after the start of its first competitive season, presenting itself at the starting line of 2025 with more than twenty young cyclists aged 6 to 14, engaged in the Giovanissimi and Esordienti categories.

The Saturday afternoon of March 1st is set to be appreciated by all local (and not only) cycling enthusiasts for another important event on the agenda: the delivery of the 3rd Placci Cup for Career, which will be awarded to former professional cyclist Italo Zilioli, after the first two editions that saw Marino Amadori and Davide Cassani honored.

The yellow-green sports society, founded by first president Ilario Rossi, followed by Luca Martelli, and chaired by Luca Medri since 2023, will present its teams for the new season and the staff that will compose the board and technical team. It will also be an opportunity to highlight other important organizational events during the season, including the Fabbi Imola Grand Prix to be held on Saturday, August 30th and Sunday, August 31st, 2025.

During the celebration, the Ciclistica Santerno Fabbi Imola, founded in 1995 by Ilario Rossi, later chaired by Luca Martelli and now by Luca Medri, will present the 2025 teams, which are training in preparation for the first competitive events at the end of March. Currently, there are more than twenty registered members between 6 and 14 years old (Giovanissimi and Esordienti).

Italo Zilioli receives the award conceived by Santerno Fabbi together with the Luciano Pezzi Foundation (the idea comes from Fausto Pezzi, Luciano's son). A prize already appreciated and validated since the first 2023 edition, on the hundredth anniversary of the first Placci Cup, by Imola subjects historically involved in the professional race organized by US Imolese, from Nino Ceroni to Virgilio Rossi and Edore Campagnoli, up to Marco Selleri, president of Nuova Ciclistica Placci 2013.

In the racetrack's press room, participants will also find a bicycle exhibition curated by Walter Dosi and Fausto Pezzi, particularly focusing on the activity years of the Dreherforte team. The event is open to the public - toast offered by Ca' Lunga.

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