TABLET | 28/02/2025 | 17:06
di tuttobiciweb

The new issue of tuttoBICI, the MARCH 2025 edition, has arrived! The 135th digital issue of tuttoBICI is available in virtual newsstands. For twelve years now, we have said goodbye to paper, goodbye to physical newsstands: tuttoBICI was the first to enter the new digital era and continues on this path, looking towards an important future, propelled by an equally illustrious past.

tuttoBICI is ready to download from the Apple App Store. The MARCH 2025 issue is available for purchase (at the address http://itunes.apple.com/it/app/tuttobici/id455233479?mt=8). The prices, set by Apple, are very attractive: one issue for 4.49 €; three months 11.99 €; 6 months 21.99 €; one year 39.99 €).

Additionally, the magazine with Android support is also downloadable for purchase on tablets with that platform. It is also possible to subscribe to an annual subscription. Here is the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paperlit.android.tuttobici

And of course, there is the possibility to purchase it in a BROWSABLE version, ready to read on any computer.

To complete our offer, you can purchase and read tuttoBICI on your smartphone.

The cover story of this issue is dedicated to Filippo Ganna and his desire for Sanremo: the Piedmontese has decided to focus on the road this season, with his first major objectives being the monument classics most suited to him, namely Sanremo and Roubaix.

Another Italian dreaming of the Classic is Jonathan Milan, who has shared his feelings and thoughts on this positive start to the season. Space is then given to Christian Scaroni, who found victory on the roads of France in February, and to Tom Pidcock's triumph at the AlUla Tour.

Roberto Amadio takes us to discover the new setup of the Italian national teams for the four-year period leading to Los Angeles 2028, then you'll find a report on the Track European Championships and a long interview with Martina Fidanza, star of the continental event and ready to compete at a high level on the road. To complete the section dedicated to the Women's Planet, we offer an interview with Gaia Realini, new captain of Lidl Trek for stage races: the Abruzzo native is ready to debut after the accident she suffered in training in January.

The "Courageous Captains" column this month is dedicated to Giuseppe Bigolin, president of Selle Italia: the Veneto entrepreneur tells us his surprising story and that of his company, which is an authentic symbol of the Italian industry worldwide.

For the Youth section, we present some of the most interesting teams in the youth categories: the amateurs of Gallina Lucchini Ecotel Colosio, the varied universe of the Team Petrucci, the juniors of Team F.lli Giorgi Brasilia ISI Service, Team Ecotek and Aspiratori Otelli Alchem CWC.

Then of course, space for current news, technique, and the columns of our commentators.

Just a few simple "touches" on your tablets and reading will be immediate. Enjoy!


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