TEAMS | 27/02/2025 | 08:06

After extensive study, construction, and refinement, Libertas Ceresetto is ready to announce a revolutionary project in the Italian cycling landscape. This organization, with a 60-year history of promoting youth cycling in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, is presenting itself at the starting line of the 2025 season with a series of exciting innovations.

The first major innovation is the creation of two junior teams, male and female, which are added to the already established categories of very young, beginner, and youth riders.

"The idea of creating a junior team had been present for some time, but its implementation was not simple," explains team manager Christian Murro, who, in addition to being a respected professional, is also the president of the organizing committee of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Regional Tour. "Thanks to the support of managers and sponsors, we have managed to bring this project to life."

"The main mission of Libertas Ceresetto - Murro continues - has always been to help young people grow through cycling. We have decided to accompany young athletes from their first approach to cycling at the age of 6 until adulthood. This goal has been realized with the creation of two junior teams, one male and one female."

The opening to international categories represents an extraordinary opportunity for those who choose Libertas Ceresetto. Every boy or girl who wears this team's jersey will be able to experience their growth journey with peace of mind. Moreover, the creation of a unique structure that starts from the youngest categories and reaches the junior level is rare in Italy. While many teams are forced to focus on one or two categories, Libertas Ceresetto proposes a coherent growth model that accompanies athletes in every phase of their sporting development.

But the real turning point of this project is the innovative approach, inspired by international experiences and the excellence of the Cycling Team Friuli in training future athletes. The organization will benefit from the collaboration with the CTF Lab in Martignacco, led by Andrea Fusaz, a former Libertas Ceresetto athlete and now a successful coach with the Bahrain Victorious team.

"Our project is not limited to practical training," Murro continues. "We want to offer comprehensive training, with the support of professionals such as qualified trainers and nutritionists. The goal is to provide theoretical lessons on fundamental topics such as communication management, nutrition, breathing, and stretching. This innovative approach is inspired by foreign models, where the inclusion of specialized figures around the athlete is increasingly common."

"With this professional structure, we want to invest in personal and sporting growth, offering young cyclists all the necessary tools to express themselves at their best, not only in races but also in everyday life," Murro concludes.

This innovative structure also represents an enormous opportunity for return on investment for current and future sponsors. Visibility is guaranteed by an enhanced communication strategy at regional and national levels, as well as by a large number of athletes. In fact, 16 very young riders, 7 beginners, 9 female beginners, 10 youth riders, 2 female youth riders, 12 juniors, and 8 female juniors will wear the Libertas Ceresetto jersey, totaling 64 athletes who, week after week, will race in every corner of Italy (with some experiences abroad), carrying the team's name high with an unmistakable style.

Copyright © TBW
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