NEWS | 21/02/2025 | 11:50
di Pietro Illarietti

LUGANO (SWI): After closing his extraordinary professional career, Vincenzo Nibali has never stopped pedaling and being involved in the cycling world, including at an institutional level. Today, his commitment is focused on the growth of the discipline, with particular attention to young people, road safety, and the development of new initiatives.

For him, a new path with the Cycling League and the Commission for Promoting Cycling Values.

The bond between Nibali and the Cycling League began with a meeting with President Roberto Pella during a Giro d'Italia stage. From there, the desire to work together to make a concrete contribution to the development of Italian cycling emerged.

"At first, I wasn't sure what I would focus on, but I wanted to get involved," Nibali recounts. "Now I'm dedicating myself to various cycling promotion projects. I'm also looking with interest at the emerging Magna Graecia Tour and the Regions Cup. The latter, in addition to an important prize money, is well-structured organizationally and is a great opportunity for our sport."

The need to invest in young people, not just major events.

One of the central points of Nibali's commitment is the youth sector, which in recent years has faced many difficulties. "The youth development programs are suffering the most. Youth races are decreasing, as are the volunteers who help organize them and usually work in associations. It is crucial to support those who are committed to growing cycling from its roots."

Another obstacle is the difficulty of creating youth teams: "It's not easy because it requires many resources. Bicycles must be of various sizes, and as kids grow, they need to be changed frequently. But beyond the equipment, we also need a different culture for those on the road."

Road safety and culture of respect

Nibali pays great attention to the coexistence between cyclists and motorists, a topic increasingly relevant with the increase in cyclists on the roads after the Pandemic. "We would need a horizontal line on the roadside, clearly defined, that establishes where cyclists should be, with adequate spaces, so that motorists can gauge their distance. We must respect it, but we could also ride two abreast safely. Of course, there are cyclists whose wrong behaviors fuel hatred towards the category, but it is essential to set a good example."

To improve safety and attract young people to cycling, Nibali proposes modern solutions like creating pump track facilities, spaces suitable for bicycles, skateboards, and other disciplines. "When I was a child, we spent afternoons at the oratory playing, but today these spaces are less and less frequented. Creating adequate infrastructure could be an excellent solution to provide kids with a safe place to have fun and get closer to sports."

On February 27th, Vincenzo Nibali will speak at the event "Cycling, Values, and Territories" to be held at the Regina Hall of the Chamber of Deputies, in the presence of President Lorenzo Fontana and several Ministers.

A significant event, with the participation of cycling legends like Gianni Bugno, Giuseppe Saronni, Francesco Moser, and Nibali himself.

"It will be an emotional day, where cycling will be promoted," adds the Sicilian. "Each of us is of a different age and has a different vision of this sport, but precisely this diversity can generate a constructive and stimulating dialogue."

The event represents a starting point for future projects of the Cycling League and its dedicated Commission, with the goal of strengthening youth cycling, improving road safety, and creating new opportunities for the Italian cycling movement.

A future to be built together, with the experience of champions and the desire to nurture a new generation of cyclists.

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