PROFESSIONALS | 20/02/2025 | 12:37

After opening the doors of its Egna headquarters last April on the eve of the Tour of the Alps, Würth has renewed its collaboration with the euro-regional event organized by GS Alto Garda and scheduled in Tyrol, South Tyrol, and Trentino from April 21 to 25. The agreement was concluded by Infront, the strategic partner of Tour of the Alps for marketing and commercial rights and TV production.

The global leader in the sale of fixing and assembly products and systems will be the Premium Sponsor of the Tour of the Alps, as well as placing its logo on the red jersey of the Points Classification leader that rewards the most consistent rider during the five-day race on the Euregio roads.

It's no coincidence that the red jersey last year was worn by an athlete of the caliber of Tobias Foss, stage winner at #TOTA 2024 at the Cortina finish on the Wine Road and World Champion in time trial in 2022. Behind him, a young rider who makes consistency his strong point, the Italian Antonio Tiberi, who won the white jersey for the best young rider, which last year bore the Würth brand.

Consistency, team spirit, and continuous improvement are also essential values for Würth. The brand has always been strongly committed to the world of sports, supporting numerous disciplines and realities at local, national, and international levels. Sport as a powerful means of social inclusion and cohesion is also a principle underlying the euro-regional cooperation and its most representative sporting event, the Tour of the Alps.

"For Würth Italia, supporting the Tour of the Alps 2025 means celebrating the values of sports: passion, determination, and growth. This event is an extraordinary source of inspiration for our territory, and we are proud to be part of it," said Norman Atz, Communication Director of Würth Italia. "The Red Jersey, which carries our brand, perfectly represents our commitment to valuing talent and consistency. We can't wait to experience this exciting challenge together with the community, sharing the energy and emotion of a unique competition."

"Over the years, the Tour of the Alps has distinguished itself for its ability to bring out talents from stage races, who showcase their qualities of consistency and regularity on the Euregio roads," said Giacomo Santini, President of G.S. Alto Garda. "For this reason, the red jersey has a special value for us, and we are pleased that Würth, a company with deep roots in South Tyrol that has been part of our family for some years now, is sponsoring it."

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