WOMEN | 16/02/2025 | 08:14

Having concluded the first part of activities dedicated to local students, Cycling Sport Promotion is ready to announce the program of the twenty-sixth Alfredo Binda Trophy - Municipality of Cittiglio, a World Tour women's elite race, and the twelfth Small Binda Trophy - Valli del Verbano, a Nations Cup event for junior women, scheduled for Sunday March 16 with departure from Luino and arrival in Cittiglio, in the province of Varese.

On Saturday, February 22 at 7:00 PM in Luino, in the splendid setting of Palazzo Verbania, Cycling Sport Promotion will present all the details of the two races, the list of teams and nations present, route innovations, the program of side events and initiatives, projects related to the environment, youth nutrition, and road safety that characterize the event organized under the direction of Mario Minervino.

"We are preparing to pay tribute to one of the great heroes of cycling," declares David Lappartient, president of the International Cycling Union. "Crossing numerous municipalities, the two races require the involvement and commitment of many local authorities who open their roads, infrastructure, and facilities to cyclists, their teams, media, and spectators. Many other partners and sponsors support the Cycling Sport Promotion organization under Mario Minervino's guidance. I thank them all for offering cyclists the opportunity to compete under excellent conditions and for fans to witness our sport at the highest level."

Echoing the message from the highest authority in world cycling is Enrico Della Casa, president of the European Cycling Union: "These events, now authentic historical appointments in women's cycling, represent an extraordinary showcase for our sport, offering a prestigious stage to the best athletes in the international panorama. Cycling Sport Promotion, with its foresight, has over time built a unique event, flanking a junior race with the elite race for twelve years. This approach has significantly contributed to creating a virtuous path of growth and development for women's cycling, enhancing athletes and simultaneously promoting the territory."

"A sincere thank you to Mario Minervino and his work group," writes Cordiano Dagnoni, president of the Italian Cycling Federation, "to the sponsors and all those who, with passion and dedication, make this event possible, contributing to the growth and enhancement of women's cycling."

"The Binda Trophy represents one of the most prestigious races in our cycling calendar: Mario Minervino, among the first to recognize the potential of women's cycling, has created an extraordinary international event that, edition after edition, continues to grow and innovate while maintaining its original values. The race images, broadcast worldwide, will highlight the achievements, communities, and territories always linked to cycling and its champions, launching the Binda Trophy to be part of the '2025 Regions of Italy Cup Women', a project born and developed by the Professional Cycling League to exalt talent and passion for cycling together with the vocation of territories," adds Hon. Roberto Pella, president of the Professional Cycling League.

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