PROFESSIONALS | 06/02/2025 | 08:20

One year after his first time, Daniel Oss sets off again to discover the Tour of the Alps. The former Trentino professional, ambassador of the euro-regional stage race since last season, is the protagonist of "Discover Tour of the Alps presented by SPORTLER Bike", a series of video reconnaissance dedicated to the 48th edition of the race, scheduled from April 21 to 25.

The video reconnaissance will be published seven days apart: starting Thursday, February 6 with the first stage, entirely in Trentino, with start and finish in San Lorenzo Dorsino. The appointment is on the official Youtube channel of Tour of the Alps, with subtitles available in Italian, English and German, as well as on the Instagram, Facebook and X and on the official website

Following Daniel Oss, fans will be able to discover the crucial passages of an edition that promises to be as uncertain and spectacular as always, from the start in Trentino to the final arrival in Lienz, in Osttirol, passing through two South Tyrolean stages rich in charm and opportunities.

"It will be a very beautiful Tour of the Alps, and I'm not just talking about the route," Daniel Oss explained. "Technically, the race follows the script that now characterizes it, with high-intensity stages and a far from obvious design: in all stages, for those who dare, there will be the opportunity to do something and leave a mark on the race, and precisely for this reason it is difficult to understand where this Tour of the Alps could be won or lost. And I believe that for the spectacle, this is excellent news."

"Of course, during the reconnaissance I also had the privilege of being able to slow down and fully enjoy the beauty of extraordinary places between Trentino, South Tyrol and Tyrol: the athletes racing will not have the same ease, and will certainly struggle more, but there is a reason why many love the Tour of the Alps, and it is that its formula, the combination of its elements, makes it a unique event," Oss added.


Monday, April 21, 2025
Stage 1: San Lorenzo Dorsino – San Lorenzo Dorsino, 143 Km, 2,600 m elevation gain.
Difficulty: **

Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Stage 2: Mezzolombardo – Vipiteno-Racines, 178 Km, 3,750 m elevation gain.
Difficulty: ***

Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Stage 3: Vipiteno-Racines – San Candido, 145 km, 2,750 m elevation gain.
Difficulty: **

Thursday, April 24, 2025
Stage 4: Sillian – Obertilliach, 160 Km, 3,200 m elevation gain.
Difficulty: ****

Friday, April 25, 2025
Stage 5: Lienz - Lienz, 113 km, 2,400 m elevation gain.
Difficulty: ***

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