OFF-ROAD | 06/02/2025 | 08:00
Internazionali d'Italia Series and Shimano confirm their partnership for the 2025 season, consolidating a multi-year collaboration. To celebrate this important bond, they are presenting a unique and exclusive documentary: "IIS - Story of an Adventure". The first docufilm dedicated to the most prestigious Italian XCO circuit tells the enthusiasm and dedication that guided its growth, through direct testimonies of those who contributed to making it unique.
"We knew from the beginning that it was important to be present in the movement," explains Marco Cittadini, PR, Communication and Sport Marketing Officer of Shimano Italia. "Michele and Luca's vision was always clear, they never held back, and their commitment was always complete. We are particularly excited to continue this adventure together."
"The renewed trust and support from an international brand like Shimano represent an important boost for us. Having a partner of this caliber by our side can only strengthen our motivation to carry forward this project with passion," says Luca Carton, CM Outdoor.
It was Shimano itself, a global leader in component manufacturing, always alongside the event, who strongly wanted this project that underscores the importance of having solid partners that allow tracing new lines and thinking about the future. "It was nice and exciting to collaborate on this documentary," Cittadini continued. "It's a piece of history to be handed down to the future and it brought back many memories. Shimano is not just a technical partner; we want to go beyond, to establish relationships that become increasingly solid over time, and Internazionali d'Italia is an example of this philosophy. Seasons change, but we would like to continue being a cornerstone for cross-country enthusiasts, a discipline that encompasses all the souls of mountain biking."
Eight years have passed since the handover between the Italian Federation and CM Outdoor, a succession of experiments narrated in seven chapters, along a storyline that captures the desire to always go beyond, explore new communication channels, and increasingly shorten the gap between athletes and the public. "Our inspiration comes from the atmosphere that the public creates during international races," confirms Michele Mondini, CM Outdoor. "We worked hard to give unity to the circuit, to give it value, and to make it a symbol. Collaborating with Shimano on this documentary once again confirmed how fundamental it was for us to try to create a relationship with such an important brand. It was the only way to bring the sport in front of the general public, to recreate that exciting environment that made us fall in love with cross-country. We immediately found ourselves aligned with our respective missions, and this led to a significant overall evolution, giving us the freedom to play our cards to the best of our abilities."
Lasting about thirty minutes, the reportage retraces the key stages of the Internazionali d'Italia Series, drawing an emotional timeline that celebrates cross-country as the beating heart of MTB. Sensations, anecdotes, and engaging stories intertwine to explain how this event has become an authentic reference point in the Italian race landscape. A journey that goes beyond competitions, to immerse oneself in the essence of a discipline and the bond that unites athletes, organizers, and enthusiasts.

Aimed at enthusiasts but also at those curious to approach this world, "IIS - Story of an Adventure" is a project that encapsulates the emotions and memories of the circuit, narrated by the protagonists. Like a peek behind the scenes of a theater, it allows viewers to listen to the actors themselves talking about their show, painting an authentic picture of the intricate workings of such a complex yet extraordinary machine.

The documentary is available at THIS LINK

Copyright © TBW
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