TOURISM | 06/02/2025 | 08:08
For those who are still planning their Valentine's Day weekend, or looking for inspiration for a short trip to organize during the year with their partner, buycycle, the leading marketplace for buying and selling high-end second-hand bikes, has compiled a list of the most romantic cities to discover by bicycle. Here are the results:
1. Paris, France
Paris is historically considered the "city of love": its unique atmosphere, elegant architecture, and iconic locations like the Eiffel Tower and Montmartre have made it the ultimate romantic destination. However, not everyone knows that Paris and its surrounding area offer more than 400 kilometers of bike paths: and it is precisely this combination of factors that puts the French capital at the top of the list of destinations to visit as a couple by bicycle. Cycling at sunset along the Seine or in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower are just some of the many bike routes that can be discovered in this magical place, which better than any other offers a mix of romance, culture, and fun.

2. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Another place where picturesque views and colorful neighborhoods give the sensation of living in a painting. The beauty of the landscape and the city's rich history combine with a long tradition of urban cycling, which has made Amsterdam famous worldwide for its many bike paths. From the historic houses overlooking the Damrak to the vibrant Jordaan neighborhood, there's always something new to discover for those who want to fall in love with the city: why not do it by bike and feel like a true local?

3. Barcelona, Spain
In the Catalan city, there are not only many points of interest and architectural wonders: by adding up all the routes and streets compatible with cycling, those who choose to explore it by bike can indeed take advantage of more than 2,000 kilometers of bike paths, an infrastructure that extends to the areas surrounding the city and offers a great variety of trails, with a mix of urban and natural landscapes. All this is then made even better by the fact that in February the temperature can reach an average of 15°C, a climate suitable for enjoying days outdoors without too many worries.

4. London, United Kingdom
In fourth place is the English capital, another destination capable of offering a unique blend of historical charm and modern vibrancy, making it a dream destination for cycling couples. A pleasant ride through the lush landscapes of Hyde Park, in front of the majestic Buckingham Palace or on the iconic Tower Bridge, are just some of the places that can be easily seen by bicycle.

5. Budapest, Hungary
Known for its splendid combination of history, culture, and cycling charm, Budapest boasts first-class cycling infrastructure, making it a perfect destination for those seeking safe and well-maintained routes. To discover the city's authentic culture, buycycle recommends a bike ride under the Buda Castle or along the Danube, while admiring the city's famous bridges. With such a varied range of activities, there's always something new to discover, especially at night, when the city transforms into a triumph of lights that provide the perfect backdrop for a romantic evening bike ride.

Completing the top ten:
 6. Vienna, Austria
 7. New York, USA
 8. Lisbon, Portugal
 9. Madrid, Spain
10. Rome, Italy

To learn more, visit

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