NEWS | 04/02/2025 | 08:06

On Tuesday, February 11 at 5 PM in the Reception of the "Fausto Coppi" Motovelodromo in corso Casale 144, the "Memory Box" will be positioned and inaugurated - in the presence of interested public: a sort of mailbox where witnesses of the most diverse stories, linked to sports - from cycling to rugby - and other initiatives - from opera to rock concerts - that took place during the century-long life of one of Italy's oldest velodromes, as well as Piedmont's oldest sports facility, can deposit their memories, stories, photographs, postcards, and small vintage objects.

The project promoters - born within the Motovelodromo: wellness for all. People and environment at the center, a social integration project aimed at fostering intergenerational and diverse identity encounters, community sense, and promotion of non-sedentary lifestyles, launched in 2024 by Sport 4 Good srl, a benefit company managing the Turin Motovelodromo in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Turin under the InnoSocialMetro Call - are the publishers Graphot and Scritturapura, well-rooted in Turin and the Madonna del Pilone neighborhood, where Emilio Salgari lived and where the Motovelodromo has stood since 1920, under the Superintendence's protection since 1994.

The "Memory Box" is primarily designed to collect - in paper or USB file format - the most significant stories and events related to the Motovelodromo and its context, to preserve and share them through a book co-published by the independent publishers Graphot and Scritturapura, who already have the dual-branded volume by Rai Sport commentator Beppe Conti, History and Legend of the Motovelodromo.

For Laura Giachino from Graphot and Stefano Delmastro from Scritturapura, who will follow the collection, selection, and potential reworking of memories and stories for the volume - scheduled for release in May, during the Book Fair and Giro d'Italia month - the idea is primarily to "create a book of testimonies, memories, and anecdotes, told by anyone who has in some way 'experienced' something related to the Motovelodromo. The Velò has hosted and generated extraordinary moments that continue to live in the memories of many neighborhood residents and is a historic and significant place for the entire city, for sports enthusiasts in general, and not only. Consider that besides timeless cyclists like Coppi and Bartali, the Grande Torino played here, the National football team took its first steps, Carmen and Aida were performed, as well as concerts by Pooh, Francesco De Gregori, and Roxy Music."

Although some writers like Maurizio Ternavasio and Marco Balestracci will be present at the launch - with ribbon-cutting and toast - on Tuesday, February 11 at the Motovelodromo, Laura Giachino and Stefano Delmastro emphasize that the "Memory Box" is particularly aimed at potential witnesses from various backgrounds, from local barbers to elderly bocce club members or members of neighborhood associations like "Motovelodromo Pieces" and "Fiab Turin Bike & Surroundings", such as Mr. Mario (Bertola), who met actor Tyrone Power through the Motovelodromo, and Mrs. Angela (Bernasconi), secretary, coordinator, and fan of the Tauri American football team. "They are the true historical memory of the place, essential for keeping the origins of the Motovelodromo and its hundred-year-old neighborhood alive and transmitting them to future generations."

Fabrizio Rostagno from Sport 4 Good adds: "The Motovelodromo is a place where new generations can find past, present, and future intertwining. Networking also means this: keeping historical memory alive while looking to the future, involving everyone in sports, recreational, and cultural activities."

In addition to printed and USB formats, memories and stories can be shared via email until March 9 at: cassettaricordimtv@gmail.com. Maximum character count: 5000, spaces included. Historical photographs with brief explanations or captions, postcards, and small vintage objects useful for narrating the Motovelodromo's hundred-year history in the book's pages are more than welcome.

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