TABLET | 31/01/2025 | 21:21
di tuttobiciweb

The new issue of tuttoBICI, the FEBRUARY 2025 edition, has arrived! The 134th digital issue of tuttoBICI is available in virtual newsstands. For twelve years now, we have said goodbye to paper, goodbye to physical newsstands: tuttoBICI was the first to enter the new digital era and continues on this path, looking towards an important future, propelled by an equally illustrious past.

tuttoBICI is ready to download from the Apple App Store. The FEBRUARY 2025 issue is available for purchase (at the address http://itunes.apple.com/it/app/tuttobici/id455233479?mt=8). The prices, set by Apple, are very attractive: one issue for 4.49 €; three months 11.99 €; 6 months at 21.99 €; one year at 39.99 €).

Additionally, the magazine with Android support is also downloadable for purchase on tablets with that type of support. It is also possible to subscribe to an annual subscription. Here is the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paperlit.android.tuttobici

And of course, there is the possibility to purchase the BROWSABLE version, ready to read on any computer.

To complete our offer, you can purchase and read tuttoBICI on your smartphone.

The cover story of this issue is dedicated to Diego Ulissi who, after 15 years with the same team, launches into a new adventure and tells us about his emotions and ambitions, as well as his unchanged love for cycling.

Following that, we met Davide Piganzoli on the eve of a very important season. And speaking of the season, we interviewed the technicians of Italian teams - Roberto Reverberi of VF Group Bardiani CSF Faizané, Stefano Zanatta of Team Polti VisitMalta and Serge Parsani of Team Solution Tech - Vini Fantini - to discover their projects, programs, objectives, and strengths of their teams.

The "Courageous Captains" column this month is dedicated to Stijn Vriends, president and CEO of Vittoria Spa, who explained how Vittoria is already in a new dimension thanks to natural or recycled materials, guided us in "reading" the current market, and also told us something about being Dutch - and therefore... naturally a cyclist - in Italy.

Then it's the women's turn with a long interview with Anna Van der Breggen, the extraordinary Dutch champion who returns to racing this year after three seasons as sports director of SD Worx. We then discover the secrets of the men's and women's Giro d'Italia, and in the Youth section, we present the rosters of the 11 Italian Continental teams and discover the most interesting riders in the category. Then the columns, opinions, technique, and many other insights.

Just a few simple "touches" on your tablets and reading will be immediate. Enjoy!


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