This year, before the resumption of cycling activities scheduled in Tuscany with the national classic Firenze-Empoli on February 22nd, the Valdarno area and Terranuova Bracciolini were chosen for the Regional Technical Conference of race judges. The location is the Antica Tabaccaia Resort in the Val d'Ascione area.
The program prepared by the Regional Commission, chaired by Sergio Sbrilli (whose mandate is expiring as he has decided not to seek reappointment for the next 4 years), begins at 9:30 AM with institutional greetings.
This will be followed by presentations on "Off-road" activities with judges Cirigliano, D'Isep and Frulio, a presentation on road activities by Chicca, Malanima and Martorini, and one on this year's innovation - the introduction of yellow cards - by Guarducci and Viggiano. There will then be reports on the activities carried out in 2024, a general overview of the Olympic cycle concluded in December, and an intervention by the President of the National Race Judges Commission, Tuscan Gianluca Crocetti. The day will conclude with a presentation on the program for the next four-year period, possible interventions, the awarding of the Giancarlo Vichi and Angelo Pardini Memorials - two race judges who passed away prematurely - the presentation of other recognitions, and finally lunch at the Antica Tabaccaia Resort.
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