CYCLOCROSS | 29/01/2025 | 08:35
di Francesca Monzone
Once again, the duo of Wout van Aert-Mathieu van der Poel has won even before racing, and this is not about a cup or a title, but about the sold-out event in Lievin, the location where the Cyclocross World Championship will be held next Sunday.
The interest has now become so high that the organization was forced to add an additional 2,500 tickets to meet the demand. Lievin is just 50 km from the Belgian border and, after Wout van Aert decided to participate in the World Championship, the area's hotels have been fully booked. After just 48 hours from the news, it was no longer possible to make a reservation, and even camper enthusiasts have already started moving.
The influx from Belgium and the Netherlands will be so high that useful traffic information has been published in the media of both countries, such as purchasing a highway sticker and the recommendation to buy it in advance, to avoid car queues at highway entrances and exits. Obviously, Belgians and Dutch will cheer for their favorites, but Van der Poel and Van Aert together have managed to attract audiences from Germany, Switzerland, and France.
For many fans, it won't be important just to know the winner's name, but to witness a unique spectacle, because it's known that when these two formidable athletes compete, everything around them ignites. This is an exciting story, and in their careers, they have been each other's stimulus. Until last Saturday, Van der Poel was the undisputed favorite to win in Lievin, and all others would have been content to race for second and third place. Now the situation has changed significantly, because while statistically the Dutchman remains the favorite, his approach to the race will be different, as he knows that Van Aert will be behind him, fighting like a lion.
Since December 22nd, the Dutchman has participated in 7 races and not only won them all but always crossed the finish line alone. Van Aert has participated in 5 races so far, winning 2. The two champions faced each other on December 27th at the Ezencross, where Van der Poel finished first with a 14" advantage over Van Aert, and then last Saturday, their battle took place on the Maasmechelen terrain, but this time the gap was 1'14".
Perhaps the result in Lievin will be predictable with a new success by Van der Poel, but such information could make the wait and the race boring. Instead, the key is different, because there will be a race to be enjoyed with two extraordinary athletes challenging each other again, renewing that silent pact they've had since they were kids. Today, as adults with a stellar palmares, their desire to challenge each other hasn't ended and perhaps never will. The sold-out event in Lievin is nothing more than a demonstration of how two men on bicycles are an irresistible attraction, and it doesn't matter to leave at dawn, sleep in a camper or perhaps in a car, because the show that Van Aert and Van der Poel will offer to the public will have repaid all the waiting and effort.

Copyright © TBW
E gli altri
29 gennaio 2025 12:25 Bicio2702
corridori, sono solo una mera insalata di contorno...

29 gennaio 2025 12:55 vandeboer
WVA avrà alleata la squadra 8 crossisti che avranno l'ordine di agevolare in partenza WVA, perché partirà in 4^ fila , MVDP in 2^. Ma si sa il Belgio in genere si corre contro, gli Alpecin sanno chi favorire.

29 gennaio 2025 16:25 De Vlaemink69
Soprattutto ai Mondiali 2 così devono partire alla pari. Inconcepibile.... Già impari alla partenza....

29 gennaio 2025 19:13 fido113
Con questo regolamento basta una caduta di qualcuno in partenza e Van Aert è fuori, devono partire in prima fila anche in considerazione del loro palmares.
Per "l'insalata" starei attento perchè il cross è inprevedibile.

Un po' di invidia per quelle realtà
29 gennaio 2025 19:52 Bullet
A leggere il seguito che muovono nei loro paesi si capisce proprio che è un altro mondo rispetto al nostro dove se chiudono una strada per il passaggio di una corsa scoppia il finimondo.

29 gennaio 2025 20:32 Stef83
Ma purtroppo o per fortuna c'è un ranking, e sarebbe irrispettoso nei confronti di quei atleti che fanno tutta la stagione! Poi ovvio che sarebbe bello vederli partire davanti...

Van der pool
30 gennaio 2025 06:10 Monti1970
Partirà dalla prima fila

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