AWARDS | 29/01/2025 | 08:05
di Valter Nieri
The splendid Tobino hall was chosen to launch the Lucca provincial cycling scene for 2025, remembering with the direct protagonists the major successes of 2024: this in summary is the 50th Lucca Cycling Festival called by the provincial F.C.I. committee chaired by Pierluigi Castellani, who has started his second four-year term.
Athletes, managers, and cycling societies that particularly distinguished themselves in 2024 were awarded and the great events that will captivate cycling enthusiasts were remembered, such as the Giro d'Italia professional stage scheduled for May 20th with the individual time trial Lucca-Pisa returning after 48 years, the National Youth Meeting scheduled in Viareggio organized by G.S. Corsanico in collaboration with Piano di Mommio and Pedale Pietrasantino, as well as the Women's Giro della Toscana organized by Michela Fanini, which will be the first pre-world event, and the Città di Lucca organized by the Lucchese Cycling Union chaired by Angelo Battaglia with a finish on the Urban Walls at national level, before becoming the sole national Under 23 championship next year. The host himself, President Castellani, along with the president of the province of Lucca and mayor of Camaiore Marcello Pierucci, made the introductions. During the conference presented by Valter Nieri, the importance of getting young people passionate about cycling was highlighted, given the increasingly narrow generational turnover at the national level, as well as being a beneficial physical activity and cycling a tool to teach them values and skills for growth. In this respect, the numbers favor Castellani, who in the past year has managed to increase the number of registered athletes and managers, approaching the threshold of 1,200, of which only in the youngest category around sixty can be counted, with a slight adjustment in the number of practitioners in the higher amateur categories.

SPECIAL AWARD TO IVANO FANINI, THE MOST VICTORIOUS SPORTS MANAGER OF ALL TIME IN TUSCANY A special award, followed by a long applause from the sports enthusiasts filling the Tobino hall, was presented to Ivano Fanini, historic president of Amore e Vita. Pierluigi Castellani was very keen to give him this plaque to remember his over fifty-year cycling career as president of Team Fanini. The Capannori manager is the most victorious ever, not only in Lucca sports but also in Tuscany, thanks to 12 world titles won by his athletes over time, in addition to 70 national titles, 15 Giro d'Italia stage victories and numerous national and international classics. By virtue of this, the national president Cordiano Dagnoni publicly stated that he will propose to the national CONI to confer on Ivano Fanini, already an ambassador of the Municipality of Capannori, one of the most important honors: the Gold Star for Sports Merit, for the great contribution he has given to Italian sports and the spread of competitive activity. A special award was also presented to the honorary president of the provincial committee Gianfranco Battaglia, a position he has held for two years after two decades as president. A event that wanted to continue the project of enhancing Lucca cyclists who have brought prestige to Lucca cycling.

At the competitive level, the following were awarded: Francesco Martinelli of Team Valdinievole, provincial champion of first-year beginners; Daniele Ginesi of U.S.D. Montecarlo, provincial champion of second-year beginners; Andrea Filippo Pierini of USD Montecarlo, provincial category juniors champion.
Among the girls, recognition went to Sveva Bertolucci, Italian champion in the first-year beginners category, and Francesca Baroni of Team Relay, European Elite category champion, who could not attend due to sporting commitments. Then other awards for Mattia Simone of G.S. Stabbia, provincial junior category champion; Edoardo Cipollini, Italian team time trial champion, Under 23 category, and Fabio Del Medico of U.C. Empolese, world champion in Keirin track cycling, Junior category, who was also unable to be present due to sporting commitments.
For the Youngest Category, a medal was awarded to athletes from U.S.D. Montecarlo, G.S. Cicli Carube, G.S. Pedale Pietrasantino, U.C. Piano di Mommio, S.C. Garfagnana MTB, G.S. Capannori, A.S.D. Wild Billy Goat, and Camaiore Cycling Project. Other recognitions: to S.C. Corsanico for organizing the Regional Youth Category Meeting and to the Piano di Mommio and Pedale Pietrasantino societies for their collaboration in the important youth event.
For the societies, recognitions were collected by their respective managers for S.C. Michela Fanini, Gragnano Sporting Club (for the first time in its 33-year history included in the UCI Continental Team), Ciocco Sport Lab, S.S. Giuseppe Cei (preparing to organize the 74th edition of the Coppa Cei), and for the oldest cycling society: Pedale Lucchese Poli, founded in 1934. Finally, space for awards to road cycling amateurs, Gran Fondo, Medio Fondo, and MTB, very precious in expressing their cycling passion to the younger generations.
Finally, the big surprise: towards the end, regional president Eugenio Giani arrived to bring greetings from the Tuscany Region. An unexpected visit for President Castellani after having deployed all his persuasive resources towards the illustrious guest, who subsequently invited him to lunch together with the provincial committee managers, including Giuseppe Tomei and other city authorities, as well as Ivano Fanini and Stefano Bendinelli, director of the Fanini Museum, who had the honor of having the Federation badge pinned to his jacket by President Cordiano Dagnoni for his commitment to researching and exhibiting Fanini memorabilia. The direction was impeccable, spreading evocative images, curated by Enrico Bagni and Adriana Noemi Moreno. Official photographer of the event was Pierluigi Fattori.

Copyright © TBW
Non c'è premio più meritato
29 gennaio 2025 19:01 venetacyclismo
Che dire di Ivano Fanini, storia del ciclismo non solo Lucchese ma Nazionale, le sue vittorie ottenute con tutte le sue formazioni ( addirittura 2 in un anno, nessuno come lui) ha lanciato e rilanciato molti atleti e non certo poteva competere nel mercato con gli squadroni, ma prendendo atleti abbandonati da tutti, questo altro record.
Non credo ci possino essere dubbi il premio Super meritato all'infinito, nessuno potrà fare meglio, grazie famiglia Fanini.

Te lo meriti!
29 gennaio 2025 19:32 roger
Credo anche io che questo premio sia assolutamente meritato. Un Uomo con la U Maiuscola che ha sempre dato tutto per il cicilsmo, con passione e onestà, un vero simbolo ed esempio da seguire. Bravo Ivano!

Meritatissimo, complimenti Ivano Fanini
30 gennaio 2025 00:37 StediLucca
9 campioni del mondo per 12 titoli iridati, 75 titoli nazionali di cui 26 titoli Italiani, 15 partecipazioni al giro d'Italia per 10 10 vittorie di tappe e 1a maglia bianca dei giovani, unica, l unico che é riuscito ad avere nello stesso anno due team professionisti, unica squadra professionistica nella storia nella provincia di Lucca, Presidente piú vittorioso in assoluto nelle discipline sportive nella provincia di Lucca battendo anche il calcio. Ha esportato il marchio fanini in tutto il mondo, tantissimi giovanissimi avviati al ciclismo di cui, diversi diventati dei campioni in assoluto, molteplici abbinamenti con marchio Fanini in tanti club ciclistici, senza parlare di atleti che si sono rigenerati nei suoi Team a fine carriera vincendo gare importanti. Da diverso tempo lavora per lo sviluppo del Museo del ciclismo Fanini Amore&Vita per mantenere e far conoscere la storia sua del ciclismo lucchese e della famiglia Fanini che ha I trascorso ciclistici a partire dal dopo guerra nel 1945.
Questo é Ivano Fanini.
Meritata e lodevole da parte degli sportivi lucchesi, la proposta del Presidente della Federazione Ciclistica Cordiano Dagnoni di insignire la stella d'oro Coni per merito sportivi ad Ivano Fanini.
Complimenti per tutto quello che hai fatto e che stai facendo per il ciclismo e auguri per il museo del ciclismo, una realtá che stá crescendo a Capannori di Lucca.

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