CONTINENTAL | 27/01/2025 | 08:04
di Sandro Bolognini
This is more or less the decisive moment of preparation for the new season. At the end of January, beginning of February, the foundations are laid for the first races, team cohesion, and so on. All the ingredients that make a top-notch team.
The Uc Trevigiani Energiapura Marchiol has flown to Sicily, precisely to Etna**, for the retreat guided by sports director Filippo Rocchetti, assisted by Esterino Scomparin and mechanic Gabriele Donadi. The athletes are Simone Griggion, Tommaso Bambagioni, Marco Di Bernardo, Alessandro Da Ros, Raffaele Mosca, Riccardo Perani, Riccardo Fabbro, and Luca Fraticelli. They are assisted by Esterino Scomparin and Gabriele Donadi. Missing are: Luca Rosa, Samuele Massolin, Lorenzo Montanari, Tommaso Cafueri, and Tommaso Farsetti.
"The retreat will end on February 5th - recounts general manager Luciano Marton - we are an incredibly strong team (quote from a song written and performed by Checco Zalone, ed.). We are not afraid of anyone and will demonstrate our worth in competitions. The recruitment campaign was done carefully: it's a team with characteristics to emerge in any terrain and specialty. Even in cyclocross. And we also have a young Treviso sprinter who could do well in our "Popolarissima". There are also experienced athletes for stage races who could aim for the Giro Next Gen and the Italian championship, and riders for classics. In short, we can't wait for the season to start."
The team for the 2025 season will race with Aerospace from Bottecchia Cicli, an ultra-fast road aerobike with disc brakes and Internal Routing Cables technology. The carbon aero frame guarantees maximum aerodynamics, total integration, and a unique ergonomics, perfect for competitions. The design is totally customized for Uc Trevigiani Energiapura Marchiol with the team's white and blue colors. The partnership with Uc Trevigiani Energiapura Marchiol represents a further step for Bottecchia Cicli in supporting and promoting cycling at a professional level, reinforcing its commitment to the growth of young talents and the enhancement of Italian cycling.
"We are enthusiastic about supporting a team that shares our values of passion, determination, and commitment. We can't wait to see our athletes in action in 2025 and to share successes and milestones together," declared Diego Turato, general manager of Bottecchia. After the retreat in a location on Etna, the highest volcano in Italy at 3,403 meters altitude, there will be two more gatherings before the start of races.
Filippo Rocchetti - the "magister" sports director (who will be joined by Treviso natives Mauro Busato and Mirco Lorenzetto) explains the season's programs. "We start with the first gathering on Etna - declares Filippo Rocchetti, who turned 29 during the retreat - then it will be time for races: on February 22nd at Coppa San Geo and Firenze Empoli and on the 23rd at Fucecchio (in 2024, first Federico Guzzo, second Matteo Zurlo, sixth Ignazio Cireddu, and eighth Marco Di Bernardo, ed.)." The Uc Trevigiani Energiapura Marchiol has taken a step up this year: it has entered the world of Continental Teams. "For this reason, we will also race with professionals - decrees "Pippo" Rocchetti - from March 25th to 29th we will be at Coppi & Bartali, which starts from Ferrara (last year won by Koen Bouwman of Visma, ed.). Then there will be the Giro di Abruzzo from April 15th to 18th and all the Veneto internationals: Popolarissima (March 16th), Trofeo Piva (April 6th), San Vendemiano (April 13th), Giro del Belvedere (April 21st), and Palio del Recioto (April 22nd). Then we'll go abroad with the trip to Poland for the Giro del Maloposka in June to best prepare for the Giro Next Gen (June 15-22).
"The Giro is a race we're aiming for - declares Filippo Rocchetti - there's the Italian championship (June 26th) where we were winners in 2024 with Edoardo Zamperini, Giro del Friuli (September 4-7), Giro del Veneto (September 10-14)." "After the season with the national jersey and blue jersey for Edoardo Zamperini at the Giro della Valle D'Aosta and the conquest of blue jerseys by Matteo Zurlo for the world and European gravel championships, this preparation represents only the first step of a path that will lead us to experience a season of great challenges and successes - say in chorus the directors and sponsors of the historic society based in Porta San Tomaso, Treviso - stay with us to closely follow the progress and evolutions of a team ready to write another memorable year." There's reason to believe.

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