MOURNING | 25/01/2025 | 11:00
di Paolo Broggi
Writing today, just hours after yet another tragic accident that cost Sara Piffer her life, hurts even more. Because what we are telling you is a snapshot of the current state of affairs in our country regarding two-wheeled users. And let's not raise shields against this or that government: the bitter reality is that no Parliament has ever taken into consideration the human being who pedals. F
ollow us. On November 22, 2023, Federico Iacomoni was training on the roads of his Trentino, precisely along state road 612, when he was hit head-on by a Golf that, while overtaking, invaded the opposite lane. The Pinarello of the 2002 rider literally breaks into pieces, he flies into the ravine with fractures to his left arm, pelvis, and sacrum, with pulmonary contusions. He only survives because he flew into the ravine, among the vineyards.
He is operated on, 68 days of prognosis that actually become four months in the hospital plus a long rehabilitation and psychological stability to rebuild in order to return to cycling. Federico makes it, he returns, wins the Coppa Ciuffenna in Zalf jersey in September and is now preparing for the seasonal debut with Biesse Carrera: but this, for the purposes of our story, is a marginal note.
Because our story continues with the trial of the driver, a thirty-year-old resident in Val di Cembra, M. E. are his initials, a Volkswagen Golf his car. Judge Marco Tamburrino writes in the verdict that "the impact with the bicycle occurred due to an overtaking maneuver of multiple vehicles performed near a section of road with a continuous line and a curved layout characterized by poor visibility also due to the dazzling sunlight".
The verdict: 8 months, suspended sentence. The driver's defense lawyer requested a plea bargain, and the judge deemed the agreement between the parties, namely the prosecution and the defense, appropriate. From the base sentence of 1 year and 6 months in prison, with the reduction for the rite and generic mitigating circumstances (the defendant's good procedural behavior), it comes to 8 months in prison, suspended sentence, and the judge ordered the return of the license.
Mrs. Raffaella, Federico's mother, upon reading the verdict, commented to the reporters of L'Adige: "My son spent four months in the hospital plus the rehabilitation period at home. The penalties for this type of crime should be toughened. I'm not talking about prison, but at least community service, so that those who make a mistake can realize their error. Federico lost a year and the opportunity to become a professional. In addition to the injuries, he had a deep shock: it was so difficult to return to the bike. That's why I think there's something wrong with the law: it's not possible that the person who caused the accident hasn't 'paid' anything for what they did: the sentence is suspended and the license has been returned"'. In this case, no error: the driver asserted his rights through the work of his defense lawyer, the judge applied the sanctions provided by law, Mr. E.M. probably continued his usual life and now, thanks to the verdict, has even got his license back.
But there's a question that continues to bounce in our brain: how can we not become vigilantes? The education received, the studies done, the readings and the experience of a lifetime, that little bit of intelligence we are endowed with push us to accept the sentence that is an expression of the laws of our Country, of our civilization, of our being modern men.
But the question continues to bounce in our brain: how can we not become vigilantes?

Copyright © TBW
25 gennaio 2025 12:28 9colli
Sarà meglio iniziare ad esserlo???

Uno schifo
25 gennaio 2025 13:38 lupin3
paese incivile con leggi ridicole

Pene insufficienti in generale
25 gennaio 2025 14:59 Dani76
Il punto non è punire chi causa incidenti, ma togliere la patente definitivamente a persone che guidano in modo pericoloso. Bisogna togliere dalla strada tutti quelli che vanno troppo forte, fanno sorpassi azzardati. Se uno supera in curva o va a 90 quando il limite è 50 deve non poter più guidare, perché infrazioni del genere sono una scelta consapevole di fregarsene delle regole e della vita degli altri. E sarebbero un disincentivo ad infrangere le regole in maniera così pesante, perché si rischierebbe di non poter più guidare.

25 gennaio 2025 19:11 fido113
Incredibile! il buonismo poi porta al giustizialismo inevitabilmente.

26 gennaio 2025 16:18 gaspy
Perché non gli si impone di accompagnare gli esordienti e allievi in allenamento o gara così che relazionandosi con i ragazzi non si comporti meglio d'ora in poi?

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