BICYCLES | 23/01/2025 | 13:14
di Comunicato Team Polti VisitMalta
Lechler, the Como-based company and a leader in the production of painting products, is ready to showcase the colors of the AURUM MAGMA bicycles used by Team Polti VisitMalta. The 2025 season of the Italian ProTeam officially kicks off tomorrow in Spain, and the riders will race on bikes that not only represent an evolution of the excellence already tested at the 2024 Giro d’Italia, but also benefit from the perfect mix of aesthetics and performance ensured by Lechler’s Color Project.

Alessandra Damaschino, Marketing Communication Manager at Lechler, explains: “Designing a color is different from simply choosing an existing one: it’s a creative process that must take into account the context, the history, the shape of the object and the emotions it should evoke. Last year, we collaborated with the team to create the colors for the Giro d’Italia and Il Lombardia bikes. This year, we’ll be painting the bikes that the riders will use throughout the entire season, with some ‘special edition’ designs also in the works…”

Born from the ideas and testing of its two founders, Ivan Basso and Alberto Contador — an exclusive value that AURUM can rely on — the MAGMA features an integrated handlebar, a T47 bottom bracket, increasingly deep tubes and fork, a refined rear triangle and full cable integration. Additionally, the UDH derailleur hanger is designed to adapt to future groupsets while maintaining weight and lightness despite the enhancements made.

The frame uses a specific carbon laminate for AURUM, built using a process called ECT – Experience Carbon Technology. The frame and fork of the MAGMA use the ECT-10 level, the highest-performing: their lateral rigidity has been improved to save watts (up to 17W compared to the first generation) which becomes particularly noticeable above 45km/h. Finally, the hollow internal frame helps reduce weight while reinforcing the overall structure.

Other top-tier technical components completing the bike include ENVE‘s SES and DISK wheels, Vittoria‘s tubeless tires, SRAM Red AXS groupset, Prologo‘s Scratch M5 and Scratch M5 PAS saddles, Elite‘s bottle cage and Look‘s KEO BLADE CARBON TI pedals. A major new feature is the presence of the Svitol logo on the bike, as the brand supplies fantastic lubrication and cleaning products, alongside the already mentioned special color schemes.

In his dual role as CEO of AURUM and general manager of Team Polti VisitMalta, Fran Contador expects “great successes in this fifth season of our team and our bikes in the Professional ranks. By now everyone knows this generation of MAGMA, which is even more beautiful and comfortable than the previous one. We can’t wait to see it in action during races, further strengthened by Lechler’s outstanding work!”

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di Comunicato Team Polti VisitMalta
Lechler, l’azienda comasca leader nella produzione di prodotti vernicianti, è pronta a sfoggiare il colore delle biciclette AURUM MAGMA del Team Polti VisitMalta. La stagione 2025 del ProTeam italiano comincia ufficialmente domani in Spagna e i corridori utilizzeranno delle bici...

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