MARKET | 23/01/2025 | 12:42

The Australian sprinter Caleb Ewan has signed a contract with INEOS Grenadiers for the 2025 season. The dynamic 30-year-old brings a decade of top-level experience and boasts an impressive palmares that includes over 60 professional victories.

Famous for his blazing speed, the Sydney rider has secured five stage victories at the Tour de France, five stage wins at the Giro d'Italia, and a stage triumph at the Vuelta a España. Ewan has also won numerous stages at the Tour Down Under, UAE Tour, and Tour of Britain, as well as twice standing on the podium at Milan-Sanremo.

Caleb Ewan stated: "This is a truly exciting new challenge for me and a fantastic opportunity to return to my best with the incredible support of INEOS Grenadiers. In 2025, my goal is to return to winning major races. Some years have passed since I won some of those important events, but I firmly believe I can do it again. I'm only 30 years old, and with the right guidance and experience that INEOS brings, I believe I can rediscover my best form here. We haven't finalized my race program yet, but I'm looking forward to having those discussions with the team. It will be exciting to combine their ideas with my ambitions and create an exciting race calendar together. I know INEOS Grenadiers are often seen as a general classification team, but I see enormous potential in their broader group to support a sprinter. In recent years, I've often referred to INEOS in sprint stages because their riders have consistently positioned themselves perfectly in decisive moments. This is exactly the kind of expertise I'm excited to work with."

And further: "Joining a new team always involves some adjustments, but I already know many of the guys and everything I've heard about how the team operates gives me certainty that the integration will be smooth. I can't wait to start and see what we can achieve together".

Dr. Scott Drawer, Performance Director at INEOS Grenadiers, stated: "Caleb's palmares, his talent, and his ability to win major races speak for themselves. In our discussions with him, we clearly understood where he is currently and what his ambitions are. We know we must work together to achieve these goals, but we are both excited about the opportunity. We have made significant changes to our performance team for 2025, and this expertise will be crucial in enabling not just Caleb, but all of our riders, to be in the best possible position to compete in every race. Caleb will go directly to a team training camp, and with our world-class staff, we expect his integration to be quick and smooth. We are all very excited to welcome him and can't wait to see what we can achieve together this season".

John Allert, CEO, INEOS Grenadiers, added: "Caleb is a proven winner and one of the great sprinters of this generation. Together, we want to write a new exciting chapter for Caleb as an INEOS Grenadier, and the hard work needed to achieve this goal starts today".

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