PROFESSIONALS | 18/01/2025 | 08:00
di Carlo Malvestio
For several months Tao Geoghegan Hart has been struggling with himself to find those sensations that, against his will, he left on the asphalt of the descent of Colla di Boasi, in Liguria, during the 2023 Giro d'Italia. That fall while he was in full fight to win his second Corsa Rosa has marked him physically and mentally and, today, 20 months after the accident, he is still searching for his best version.
"Last season was complicated, I was returning from a long stop and spring wasn't so bad, although I felt something was missing - explained the Lidl-Trek rider in a press conference -. At Volta ao Algarve and Giro di Romandia the signals were positive, then at Giro del Delfinato I got seriously ill and was away from the bike for two weeks. At Vuelta a Burgos I was involved in a group crash and then at the Vuelta I suffered a lot. I closed my season there, I knew it was necessary to take a break for my own good. I turned the page, also thanks to the support of the team that believes in a medium-term recovery like mine. Winter was positive and solid, optimism has returned and I can't wait to start again." The British rider, winner of the 2020 Giro, conditioned by a fluctuating 2024, approaches the new season with many uncertainties. For now, therefore, he prefers to navigate by sight, without making proclamations or circling any objective in red.
"There's no point looking at big goals, I understood that last year. During last winter we talked about Tour de France, results, etc., but I hadn't even gotten back on the bike after the accident. It was nice to talk about it and believe in it, but reality was then different. That's why I say that, for now, it makes no sense to make proclamations. I'll start with Volta ao Algarve, a race I particularly love, and then we'll see how the body responds."
"The Giro victory is a special memory, even if it's starting to get a bit blurry with the years that have passed - continued the 29-year-old Englishman -. I looked at this year's route and I really like it, with a truly tough third week and then many interesting stages in between. I would say it's a traditional route, which for me is a great compliment. Too bad they presented it so late." Tao's ambitions, in any case, remain intact: "There are 3 types of riders, those who win, those who will win, and those who help to win. I still want to be one of the first. It's not said that I'll win, but I want to be there fighting with the best. There will be a moment in my career when I'll be a domestique, but I hope it's not this one. Two years ago I was in a position to win the Giro. That's what I want to return to, aware that there are steps to take before. In 2025 I hope to return to winning something, now every race has an extremely high level and every success counts a lot. When I feel I've turned the corner, then I can say it's been a great year."

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di Carlo Malvestio
Da diversi mesi Tao Geoghegan Hart è in lotta con se stesso per trovare quelle sensazioni che, suo malgrado, ha lasciato sull’asfalto della discesa della Colla di Boasi, in Liguria, durante il Giro d’Italia del 2023. Quella caduta mentre era...

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