JUSTICE | 17/01/2025 | 14:05
di comunicato UCI
The UCI Ethics Commission – an independent body acting separately from the International Federation's administration – announces its decisions in the case involving two members of the management of the UCI Women's Continental Team Velopro – Alphamotorhomes (previously Proximus - Cyclis CT, also registered as UCI Cyclo-Cross Team Proximus - Alphamotorhomes - Doltcini CT): Sports Director Gert Vervoort and Team Manager Eddy Van Bunder. These decisions follow the provisional suspension imposed on Vervoort (see previous UCI communication) after accusations from several riders of inappropriate psychological and sexual behaviors.
Vervoort has been suspended for five years from all cycling-related activities, starting from July 16, 2024, the date of his provisional suspension. Since Mr. Vervoort has resigned from his role with the UCI Women's Continental team and is currently not bound by the UCI Ethics Code, this sanction will only come into effect if and when he assumes a position or engages in activities that subject him to the Code. Vervoort has violated Article 6.4 of the UCI Ethics Code (Protection of Physical and Mental Integrity) and Articles 2.3 (Sexual Harassment) and 2.4 (Sexual Abuse) of Appendix 1 of the UCI Ethics Code, for having inappropriate conduct with riders involving unnecessary physical contacts of a sexual nature, taking advantage of his position of authority over them.
Regarding Mr. Van Bunder, the UCI Ethics Commission has decided to impose a three-year suspension from all cycling-related activities and a fine of CHF 5,000. Half of the suspension period (1.5 years) is suspended for a three-year probation period, subject to Mr. Van Bunder's participation in a safeguarding training program. This means Mr. Van Bunder will have the right to assume a role in cycling starting from July 18, 2026, provided he first completes a safeguarding awareness course. However, if he commits another violation of the UCI Ethics Code during the probation period, he will be automatically suspended for 1.5 years in addition to any sanction imposed for such further Code violation. In particular, it was found that Van Bunder committed violations of Article 6.4 of the UCI Ethics Code (Protection of Physical and Mental Integrity) and Articles 2.5 (Negligence) and 3.1 (Reporting Obligation) of Appendix 1 of the UCI Ethics Code for not taking appropriate measures in response to complaints regarding Mr. Vervoort's inappropriate conduct and for not reporting such concerns to the Commission despite his role of responsibility that implies the duty to ensure protection of all team members.
The UCI takes note of the decisions of its Ethics Commission (which remain appealable to the Court of Arbitration for Sport - CAS) and reaffirms its constant commitment to protecting the integrity of cycling and ensuring a safe environment for all. In line with this objective, the UCI reminds that a confidential and secure reporting platform, UCI SpeakUp, is active, where people are encouraged to report any safeguarding issues.

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di comunicato UCI
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