PROFESSIONALS | 17/01/2025 | 08:10
di Francesca Monzone
At the end of the extraordinary 2023 season, Visma – Lease a Bike was the best team in the world. Conquering victory in the three grand tours seemed an impossible mission, but the Dutch team had the qualities to demonstrate that the impossible can become possible and in this way left an indelible mark in cycling history.
2024, however, was the year of disaster, in which the team's best riders fell, had accidents, and did not win in major events, and this perhaps is not just bad luck. In particular, the terrible falls of Van Aert at Through Flanders and the Vuelta, along with Jonas Vingegaard's fall at the Tour of the Basque Country, represented a disaster for the team's plans, which was forced to surrender in the face of the damage sustained.
"One could say: too bad, we were very unlucky, let's hope next year goes better," said Grischa Niermann during the team's retreat in Spain. "In some aspects, this is true, but if we look at the situation overall, we also want to understand if we can intervene somehow and if these falls can be avoided or reduced by working on them."
Niermann spoke of cognitive tests, a methodology that probably has never been used in cycling, or at least not to reduce the number of falls in races or training. "We are working on this now: we do reaction tests on the computer. Perhaps this will help us understand if we have riders with reaction speed problems when something happens in front of them. If we discover this, then we can work on it." So riders are proposed test batteries that detect reaction times following a sudden action and analyze the attention threshold through specific computer and simulator exams.
Being the best World Tour team means taking risks, such as always racing at the front. This means avoiding group falls, but does not generally eliminate the problem of falls that can derive from an unexpected event or lack of bike control. In addition to cognitive tests, Visma – Lease a Bike will use the Control Room, a central real-time data collection point, where in addition to images, many other aspects of individual riders will be examined and analyzed.
"Thanks to television images, we can warn our guys about dangerous points on the course. For example: if we see that the lead group riders fall in a certain curve, the person in the Control Room will communicate this to the group's riders through the following car. In this way, a fall like the one in the Tour of the Basque Country can be avoided." Among the various studies conducted is also that of damage sustained, as the Dutch team's riders have often reported significant fractures, which has attracted the managers' attention. The study is continuing, and various technicians have found something that could help.
"We are increasingly involving our cyclists in impact sports like running: this makes their bones stronger. But just because our cyclists also do running doesn't mean they will never break anything again, it's just one of the hypotheses we are analyzing." There is also the issue of nutrition, which if balanced and personalized, would help strengthen bones and muscles. Safety during training is also important, and for this reason, the yellow-black men use lights on their bikes while pedaling on city streets and in the suburbs, to become more visible in traffic.
"Among other things we do, we teach our guys to train with bicycle lights on. Last year, our riders were regularly victims of training accidents. Bicycle lights probably won't prevent every fall in traffic, but perhaps 1 in 10. This is one of the many puzzle pieces that will allow us to be more protected from possible injuries."

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