OPEN LETTER | 16/01/2025 | 16:04
di Serena Danesi
Federal Councilor, now Serena Danesi aspires to the vice-president's chair, but despite the National Electoral Commission having given the green light last December 12th, there are those who are trying by all means available to obstruct her climb. Here is her bitter but resolute reflection.

Dear Director,

I am writing to you for a brief discussion among professionals. As you know, I have been a candidate for the vice-presidency of FCI. My candidacy was evaluated and approved by the National Electoral Commission on December 12th, 2024. I have committed all my energy to the electoral campaign that sees me as the protagonist, moving as an independent and gathering good support from the base, strong of my work in these 4 years. Here comes the part I want to tell you about. I received from the Electoral Office Secretariat a mail, ONLY on January 11th, 2025, in which a registered member would have raised doubts about my eligibility, with a completely unfounded, imaginative, and contrived report. Obviously, I was stunned. I put together some elements that emerged from my memories.

During the past month, the Secretary General had hinted that some contestations about my candidacy might arrive. I asked for clarifications, which never came. The interesting part comes later, when I realize that the mail is dated December 16th, 2024. For what reason has the General Secretariat received a report that then remained dormant for almost a month? What surprises me, Director, is also the fact that both the report and the request for clarification were received through a completely informal mail exchange, without any attached document and with spelling and typing errors by the registered member.

I am perplexed by the lightness with which a Secretary General, guarantor of order and procedure, not only transmits a communication of such importance with considerable delay but does not even take care to ensure the correctness of federal procedures, apparently disregarded in the times and methods used by the registered member.

I face this electoral path with serenity and the determination that has always distinguished me; therefore, I am not afraid to expose myself in telling the facts, but certainly the situation seems quite surreal and outside the procedures. I will definitely be in Rome, Sunday, January 19th, to regularly take part in the elections, if only to reassure those who will want to give me trust and above all to counter those who are carrying out a defamatory campaign against me, using illegitimate means. Thank you, Director, I know you love cycling and for this reason, I allow myself to share with you and your readers this reflection of mine.

Serena Danesi

Dear Serena, I understand your bitterness about a complaint from someone who would not have the right to do so, for a request that arrives four years late, given that when you were elected, you were already in your position at Rcs Sport and no one thought of making any notes, let alone making you step down. However, what leaves me more speechless and therefore not tight-lipped, is the at least suspicious delay of the Secretary General who receives a missive and keeps it in the drawer for a few weeks. In a country that is facing with difficulty and apprehension the constant train delay emergency, I also discover that to send an email from Rome, it takes almost a month. What can I say: I hope the postal Secretary General remains firmly in his place, I would never want him to become a station master in the meantime.

Pier Augusto Stagi

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