POLITICS | 16/01/2025 | 12:46

In Italy, the desire for sustainable mobility is growing, which nurtures the culture of movement and trains for slow tourism. This is demonstrated by the numbers of Italian Municipalities that have joined the "Bikes in Municipalities" initiative, promoted by the Minister for Sports and Youth, with the support of the Sports Department, through Sport and Health and the National Association of Italian Municipalities.

At the closing of the terms, 1,952 Italian Municipalities have submitted application requests for the initiative aimed at financing projects for the promotion of cycling mobility, also as a tool for a healthy and active lifestyle.

One in four Italian Municipalities has proposed actions to create cycling paths or upgrade the existing network, also in a technological perspective, for the promotion of cycle tourism, territorial enhancement, and school involvement.

Lombardy and Campania were the most "active" Regions in submitting applications, which arrived 43% from Northern Italy, 39% from the South and Islands, and 18% from Central regions.

The Government initiative was especially appreciated by Municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants, with a total of 1,011 applications received, while 853 were submitted by Municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants.

The process now provides for the evaluation of candidacies, defining which will be admitted to funding until the exhaustion of the 12,600,000 euros allocated.

"I am proud and satisfied with the outcomes of this project – declares Roberto Pella, Vice President of Anci, who is also the President of the Professional Cycling League – which has been able to materialize a vision I proposed last year and which originated from the ground up and interpreted the concrete needs in terms of cyclability of all territories. This is confirmed by the participation rate of municipalities in absolute terms, as evidenced by the homogeneity of applications between the south and north of the country and the ability of even small municipalities to adhere to it significantly. I thank the Minister for Sports and Youth Andrea Abodi and President Mezzaroma for the excellent teamwork and commitment demonstrated, further proof of the shared will to consolidate the alliance for sports and well-being in Italian municipalities".

"The numerous response to the 'Bikes in Municipalities' call, by almost one Italian Municipality out of four – states the Minister for Sports and Youth, Andrea Abodi – represents the unequivocal certification of local administrators' appreciation for the Government initiative that promotes not only sustainable mobility and slow tourism, but also winks at sports activity in one of its most popular forms. We want to ensure that urban sports characterized by daily practice represent an increasingly widespread opportunity, contributing to transforming cities, as much as possible, into large open-air gyms. To this objective also contribute the numerous Calls available to communities – Inclusion, Neighborhoods, Parks, Parks 14, Prisons, and the measure dedicated to Playgrounds – and the success of Bikes in Municipalities certifies this. This opportunity that allows municipal administrations to support the culture of cyclability goes exactly in the direction of sports promotion as stated in the Constitution. Once again, collaboration between institutions proves to be winning. I thank Hon. Roberto Pella and the President of Sport and Health, Marco Mezzaroma, for the commitment and professionalism that led to the project's success".

"Such broad involvement of Municipalities – comments the President of Sport and Health, Marco Mezzaroma – highlights the great demand for sports in Italy and also the interest of local entities to invest in physical activity as a tool for social well-being of their community. To this demand corresponds an offer that, in the case of 'Bikes in Municipalities', sees us as protagonists together with Anci, under the aegis of Minister Abodi. The success of this initiative reaffirms the importance of institutional synergy and encourages us to continue on this path, proposing ever new actions for the spread of physical and sports activity in Italy".

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