INTERVIEW | 13/01/2025 | 08:25
di Francesca Monzone
The next World Cycling Championship will be held in Rwanda and considering the route suitable for climbers, Jonas Vingegaard could be one of the favorites to win the world jersey. It would be an important opportunity for the two-time Tour de France winner, but everything will be decided with national coach Michael Mørkøv.
The former rider is just at the beginning of his new role as coach of the Danish national team, but he already has clear ideas and among his short-term commitments is a meeting with Jonas Vingegaard to discuss the World Championship in Rwanda.
"I expect to meet Jonas Vingegaard by the end of January," Mørkøv told Danish television – Our meeting will only make sense after his team retreat, when his plans for the season are clear."
Vingegaard has participated in the World Cycling Championships only once in his career. It was in 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria, where he finished in sixty-third place in the under-23 category, when the title in his category was won by Marc Hirschi.
"I hope Jonas will be available for the upcoming World Championships in Rwanda," because it is a route that suits him very well and he is one of the best cyclists out there. He has excellent chances to become world champion."
Michael Mørkøv, born in 1985, has just finished his career as a rider and has been the new national coach for Danish road cycling for a few months, but he is optimistic about the team he will be able to bring to Africa. The coach thinks he can go to the upcoming World Championships in Rwanda with a strong team and would like to bring Jonas Vingegaard, who in recent months had declared himself available to wear the national jersey to race on the route around Kigali, where to win you need to be good at climbing.
"I need to talk to Jonas and other riders for the next season. There is still a lot of time before the September World Championships. I want everything to be ready at the right time and next week I want to understand which vaccinations are required to go to Rwanda. If we move with a certain advance, the riders will have the opportunity to keep their health situation under control during the least busy time of the season."
For Michael Mørkøv, it will be important that his athletes are vaccinated at the most appropriate times based on their race calendar. Therefore, an individual vaccination plan will be developed for each rider.
"Since we are facing a somewhat unusual situation, I will start planning the preparation with the riders earlier than usual. We all need to get vaccinated and we know that vaccines can have side effects. Riders have a very busy race calendar and I don't want to risk them being challenged by a vaccination, so I try to stay updated."
For this reason, next week Mørkøv will also meet with the national cycling team doctor to precisely understand the health protocols that must be followed and any side effects. Not every year does the World Championship route suit climbers, and for this reason, Michael Mørkøv does not want to miss such an important opportunity, in which Vingegaard could wear the world jersey.

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13 gennaio 2025 13:09 PIZZACICLISTA
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13 gennaio 2025 16:16 Greg1981
Non piace a nessuno ? Ma hai chiesto a tutti ? Se non ti piace, evita di guardare e commentare. Sei sempre in polemica....

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