WOMEN | 11/01/2025 | 08:05
The story we are about to tell is a beautiful one and promises to become even more beautiful. It is the story of a cyclist pursuing her dream with all her heart and at the same time serving as an inspiration for all young people who practice cycling and aspire to great goals.
The protagonist is Lorenza Beccaria, a cyclist from Cuneo who in 2024 defended the colors of the OM.CC team, the amateur squad of Officine Mattio: now she is ready to enter the world of competitive racing and this year will be part of the French team Buffaz Gestion de Patrimoine-Lyon Sprint Evolution, an important Lyon-based squad with over 50 years of history behind it.
Lorenza's story is made of other sports - in 2023 she practiced running and track and field - then she fell in love with the bicycle. The technicians at Officine Mattio, sensing her great athletic potential, decided to bet on her and welcome her to the team, despite her never having raced a bike before.
"In her first year of cycling activity, Lorenza demonstrated an extraordinary talent" - says Ricardo Pichetta, President of the OM.CC team - "and her excellent performances, above all her victory at the Granfondo New York, confirmed the soundness of our intuition."
In a short time, Lorenza captured the attention of industry experts, showing constant growth and unwavering determination. Her move to Team Buffaz represents an extraordinary milestone, making Lorenza the third athlete in four years - after Luca Vergallito and Samantha Arnaudo - to follow this path of growth towards the international stage through the OM.CC team.
"We are happy" - continues Pichetta - "that the OM.CC team, in addition to achieving excellent results on roads around the world, can also be an opportunity for promising young athletes like Lorenza. Perhaps, more than any victory, it is stories like this that repay us for all the commitment and passion that we at Officine Mattio, together with the sponsor companies that support us with confidence, have been pouring into the team for years."
"During a discussion at the end of last season" - adds Giovanni Monge Roffarello, CEO of the Officine Mattio Group - "Lorenza confided her great dream: to participate in the Giro d'Italia Women. To help her achieve it, we believed that moving to a team committed to competitive racing was the best choice."
The Buffaz team, based in Lyon, therefore presents itself as the ideal squad to allow Lorenza to continue her learning process and compare herself with the best athletes in the international landscape. This team will participate in several high-level races, offering Lorenza the opportunity to expand her experience and refine her skills.
"Lorenza" - continues Monge Roffarello - "is a super athlete. Although she still needs to grow as a cyclist, we are convinced that her future will be bright. The competitive and professional environment of the Buffaz team represents an ideal context for her development, and we have no doubts that she will reach increasingly prestigious milestones."

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