OPEN LETTER | 10/01/2025 | 14:58
di Cordiano Dagnoni
In recent days, the former president of the Italian Cycling Federation Renato Di Rocco, now honorary vice-president of the UCI, has made statements about the current president's management that have sparked a strong debate ahead of the electoral Assembly on January 19th. We are pleased to present Cordiano Dagnoni's response.

Dear Editor, Renato Di Rocco has essentially governed Italian cycling for 30 years, which are the years immediately preceding the last four-year period. If there is a crisis, a structural problem, the blame lies with that past. In light of his recent statements, I feel obliged to clarify some points. FEDERATION NUMBERS Regarding youth and competitive categories, we are substantially on par with 2019 (the last pre-Covid year). The number of registered members is decreasing, it's true, but because Amateur (Master) categories are declining, in line with the modern trend of a 'destructured' sport by adults who no longer, especially after Covid, want to be regimented in societies and federations. And then there is always the competition, sometimes unfair, from Sports Promotion Entities, a problem never solved for all Italian sports. A substantial retention of youth categories, therefore, in the face of a decrease in the youth population (in the last 10 years we have lost about a million children aged 0-14) and strong competition from emerging sports: this is the picture of a cycling that must deal with the historical (and never solved) safety problem. A problem that I have always considered a priority. Below are the data for races and societies over the last five years. BUDGET 2019 is also the year in which the Italian Cycling Federation, at the end of three recovery plans imposed by CONI, settles the accounts after the deficits accumulated in the past. Reading the budget reports of then-president Di Rocco, still published on the federal website, it is clear that as early as 2007 (the second year of management of the old leadership) the budget closed with a deficit of over 700,000 euros. This was followed by a loss, albeit contained, in 2008 and a much more significant one in 2009. This led to the implementation of the first recovery plan imposed by CONI (2010-2012), followed by two others (2014-2016 and 2016-2020) requested to recover a situation that would otherwise have led to commissioning. In 2019, we finally returned to budget balance and the reconstitution of the financial guarantees necessary to operate (guarantees that in this last four-year period have been doubled). A result obtained at the cost of immobility, a synthesis of a management that, to use Silvio Martinello's words four years ago (I apologize for quoting him), "... has impoverished us and made us slide lower and lower." (Quibicisport article of May 12, 2020) We have explained on several occasions (last during the press conference on December 20) the reasons that led to the budget closing in deficit in 2023. I do not consider it appropriate to return to this. Regarding costs related to the "communication" item, however, I want to clarify that these include not only journalistic collaborations but also marketing activities, social and service supplies. An activity directly linked to federal partners that has allowed us to increase sponsorship revenues by 50% over the four-year period. EXISTING CONTRACTS It is right to remember that when I took office, just 4 years ago, I found important supply contracts in place that I could not modify for two years (therefore signed well beyond the natural expiration of the previous Council). Based on the principle of continuity and fairness towards third parties, I did not challenge them but brought them to their natural expiration. Additionally, a Federation was inherited that was elephantine in terms of personnel, with permanent employment contracts finalized just days before the National Assembly. Consequently, to this day, Sport e Salute finances the personnel cost for only half of the employees. Hires wanted precisely by those who now reproach us for renewing some contracts related to office functionality as well as those of technical collaborators, fundamental for calmly planning the next competitive season. REGIONAL PRESIDENTS I find it disrespectful, but emblematic of a certain mentality (especially because it comes from a person who has held top roles within our world for about thirty years) to consider regional presidents 'low-level managers'. On the contrary, also based on my personal history, I consider them figures of human and professional depth, indispensable for maintaining a connection with the territory. I will never stop thanking these managers who dedicate themselves, voluntarily and only out of passion, to an important task. Four years ago, with a heterogeneous Federal Council expressing different sensitivities, I started a renewal process that, I acknowledge, has not yet been completed and which inevitably has also led to some missteps. From the awareness of what has been achieved comes the conviction that the next term will allow us to complete what is hoped for, also because if the renewal requested by the movement passes through the re-proposal of past figures, it means that the Country, and not just cycling, truly has great problems in imagining a future.

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