INTERVIEW | 07/01/2025 | 11:33
di Giulia De Maio
In these early days of the year, teams have presented their rosters for 2025, and in Lidl Trek, we noticed a new staff addition with a surname that brings us back to the legendary Mapei Team. A precious new entry in the performance group is represented by Marco Sassi, sports nutritionist, son of Aldo, founder and first director of the Mapei Sport Research Center.

The 28-year-old from Como, graduated in Human Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Milan, after three years in football with the "jersey" of UC Sampdoria, has started a new adventure in the world of two wheels since last November, which had brought many satisfactions to his father, who passed away prematurely in December 2010.

Marco, how did you get into cycling?

"During my studies, I worked in Spain and Finland. After my master's degree in early 2023, I obtained the International Olympic Committee's sports nutrition diploma. Since childhood, I dreamed of working in sports. Growing up, I became passionate about nutrition and managed to merge my two passions. I must thank Dr. Luca Mondazzi, a specialist in dietetics and sports nutrition, who allowed me to learn a lot during a period of shadowing at the Mapei Sport center and who introduced me to professional sports, specifically the world of football".

How different is it from our environment?

"Very different. In football, there's much more external pressure; in cycling, the atmosphere is more friendly and familiar. The work itself is different, in some ways more complicated, but in terms of personal satisfaction, it's more stimulating for me. Cycling is a sport with more demanding, intense, and precise requirements. You must adapt the nutrition plan based on different training sessions, from the classic coffee ride to move the legs to 6-hour and longer rides. Energy expenditure changes significantly day by day, so it's important to estimate it correctly and, if necessary, readjust based on what's measured by the power meter on each rider's pedals. Caloric consumption in football is more schematic because weeks are more similar, without major variations".

Today you work with/for Luca Guercilena, general manager of Lidl-Trek, who was one of your father's favorite students. How does that feel?

"For me, it's a great emotion and responsibility. I feel both the honor and the burden of keeping high the name of one of the most appreciated trainers in Italian sports, but fortunately, I don't cover the same role. I try to do my job well and give my best. Being the 'son of...' is a component I must live with while building my identity.  Initially, I didn't think I would feel comfortable in cycling. Some memories touch delicate chords...".

What lessons remain from your father?

"He passed away at 51 when I was only 14, but in the time we spent together, he transmitted a great passion for the scientific method that I still carry with me in my daily activity. Like him, I continue to study, try to stay updated and informed, to uncover every novelty, always reasoning on scientific evidence. He was beside Francesco Moser when he set the hour record in Mexico City in 1984, contributed to the triumphs of Ivan Basso, Cadel Evans, and many other champions (from 1996 to 2002, he was responsible for training the professional cycling team Mapei, ed.). Following his example, for now, I only think about growing step by step and leaving something both professionally and humanly to the athletes and colleagues I will meet along my path. I don't have particular dreams for the future because, with time, they tend to change. Based on who you are and the experiences you have, objectives evolve. This year I'm in a very important team, and I'm happy with that".

After the holidays, the scale demands a diet. Let's conclude with some tips to get back in shape.

"Actually, you shouldn't adopt extreme behaviors to remedy what was eaten during the holidays, which should be enjoyed peacefully. These days, it's advisable to try to resume your routine, perhaps adding a bit more physical activity. I recommend staying always active, reducing sweet intake, increasing fiber by adding vegetables and proteins to the plate, and keeping carbohydrates at a lower quota. For panettones to be consumed – I know we all still have some at home – I suggest having a slice after physical activity, to manage sugars in the best way".

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