CYCLOCROSS | 06/01/2025 | 08:25
di Francesca Monzone
After Saturday's success in Gullegem following an exciting duel with Eli Iserbyt, yesterday in Dendermonde, in Western Flanders, Wout van Aert proved to be the strongest when racing in the mud.
It's the third victory for the Belgian on this track and his supremacy is an important signal for the upcoming cyclocross events, which will arrive on January 19th with the World Cup stage in Calpe. The cyclocross season is about to conclude for the Flemish rider and road races are now on the horizon. It will be an important season in which, in addition to the spring Classics, the Giro-Tour double could happen.
Van Aert will now leave more relaxed for the training camp with his Visma-Lease a Bike: he has already made it known that, despite this double victory, he will not participate in the national cyclocross championships. "In the second half of yesterday's race, I started to feel some pain in my right leg, but overall I held up well. The fact that my body is experiencing little discomfort is a great relief for me".
The Dendermonde course was extremely selective and tough because in the days before the race, rain made the track extremely muddy, to the point that Van Aert at the finish line was practically unrecognizable.
"It was incredible because the mud was up to the ankles. If I can resist for an hour as I did yesterday, it means I've done good work in recent months. In the last period, I've been able to focus well on my road training. The hard work with the physiotherapist has made me have a body I can count on again. Of course, I still have some resentment in my leg and also in my ribs, caused by falls last spring, but I can consider myself satisfied".
Van Aert had already announced at the end of November that this winter's results would not be important to him and that the program was created exclusively for road season preparation. "It's really nice for my head to be able to race in front of all this audience. The beauty of cyclocross is also in its so exciting public. When you're away from races for a long time, you appreciate this show and the people supporting you with their cheering even more".
Even though the Belgian has obtained two consecutive victories, he doesn't want people to think his confidence has increased because of these successes, but emphasizes that positive results are only confirmation of work done correctly. "I don't need these victories to give me confidence. These results give us the strength to continue working hard for everything we still have to face".
Van Aert is ready to go to Spain and now cyclocross will have to be set aside to make room for road training.
"Tomorrow I'll go to Spain for the team retreat and I won't interrupt the work for the Belgian championship in Zolder. I already have five beautiful national champion jerseys hanging in my closet. I would like the guys who have worked all winter in cyclocross to fight to win the national title. Even if it's a beautiful jersey, my goals are different, and that's why I decided to stay in Spain".
Van Aert's cyclocross season includes the Benidorm World Cup engagement in two weeks and a week later the final appointment in Maasmechelen where he will face Mathieu van der Poel.
Meanwhile, social media is talking about a possible road program for Van Aert, which could start with Omloop het Nieuwsblad and followed by Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne. The Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix will once again be the main season objectives, but there are also talks of the Giro-Tour double. "Do you really believe all those social media rumors? I can say something about my program only during the official team presentation"

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