INTERVIEW | 05/01/2025 | 08:25
di Pier Augusto Stagi
Sixty years of life and fifty spent on a bicycle. On March 6th, Maurizio Spreafico will reach the milestone of his important birthday, but at the same time will also celebrate half a century of unconditional love with the bicycle, which he happened to meet in Sirone (Lecco), during the Youth Games: a race, a victory. "The beginning was crazy, more than promising, but then for a few years I went back to soccer fields, also because I went to the Provincial Championships very hopefully, but while in the Youth Games the gears were free, in the Provincial Championships they were not, and my mechanic had mounted the wrong ones: they didn't even let me start." Dismounting from his beautiful olive-colored Legnano, he returns to the goal posts, where he played as a goalkeeper for the San Giorgio oratory in Molteno. "I certainly wasn't a dragon, quite the opposite - says today the former professional of the Eighties with jerseys from Remac, Fanini, and Verynet -: first match, three goals conceded. I immediately end up on the bench and stay there for two years." For eighteen years, Maurizio Spreafico has been the sole administrator of Veloplus and this month he is our little great "Courageous Captain", he who, like many Italians, started from a microscopic shop and today can say he has given life to a reality that has become over the years, step by step, pedal by pedal, a point of reference for many amateur, youth, and recreational clubs, but also for several professional teams such as Wagner Bazin Wb (former Bingoal, ed.), Toscana Factory Team Vini Fantini (former Corratec, ed.), two "Devo's" of Wagner, MG.K Vis, the Hungarian Karcag Cycling, the Hess Cycling Team, a British women's team, and Biesse Carrera Premac.

What does he remember about his childhood?
«Everything, but especially that I was a little devil. I could never stay still, I had quicksilver in my body: an only child and a bit spoiled».
Mom and dad's darling.
«Clearly. Mom Piera was a housewife, dad Giuseppe was responsible for a metalworking workshop. A serene and peaceful childhood, rich with love and play. Books? Very few, better the Panini sticker album».
Was football his first love?
«Absolutely yes, with San Giorgio of Molteno. I play as a goalkeeper, or rather, I would like to play, but I'm not very good, so I quickly end up on the bench and stay there for a while».
How was school?
«On foot, also because I did elementary and middle school in Molteno and I'm from Sirone, a kilometer and a half away. Then I went to Lecco to the Fiocchi State High School, where after three years I obtained a mechanical design diploma».
However, between the diploma and the bench, there's also room for a bicycle.
«A Legnano, Legnano green color. As I said, Youth Games at 10 years old: I do a race almost for fun and win it. Then there would be the Provincial Championships, but I return home because I had the wrong bicycle gears. I go back to playing - so to speak - football. Always on the bench, until those from Supermacelleria Ratti come looking for me: they dress me up and give me a blazing Gianni Motta bike, the next year it will be a Rossin. I start as a beginner: first year, 0 victories. Second year, 3 successes. Then first-year junior with the Arredo Market jersey and Colnago bike, 0 victories. Second year, two victories. As a junior, here I am with Comense Cicli De Rosa: 3 victories in the first year and just as many in the second. As an amateur, I move to Coemi with Luciano Menecola, Marco Lietti and Marco Saligari. In six we win 30 races, I win 3, with the Italian military championship that makes captain Angelo Giacomino, now a General, proud. Second year as an amateur with Gianni Di Lorenzo's jersey, with Gianni Bugno and Mario Scirea. Then here I am with Brescia-lat: 4 victories, one at the Giro Baby won by Podenzana and closed by myself in 6th place. At 21, the doors to professionalism open for me, thanks to patron Mario Cioli who makes me join his Remac Fanini with Elli, Tosi, Botteon and Finazzi».
As a professional, he doesn't make his mark...
«Many breakaways, lots of fighting, zero victories. I do three years: after two seasons with Remac, here I am with Verynet, still Cioli's, but the effort is great and the results are few. Cesare Biondi's Autofuochi looks for me, would want me to be a race director, I prefer to dedicate myself to work. At 25 - in 1990 - I open a small bicycle sales and assistance shop in Barzanò. Opening in February 1991, with Gianni Bugno, a dear friend, a person who is still special to me».
Did the family love cycling?
«Dad very much, mom much less. Dad pedaled for pleasure and was a Moser fan, mom prayed to all saints every day so I would return home safe and sound».
The champion he would have wanted to be.
«Francesco Moser: a born attacker, generous like few, winning like no one. But when I met Beppe Saronni, I was struck by his intelligence, his personality: what champions, guys».
A phrase.
«If you've been a cyclist, in life you can do anything».
When does he realize he's turning a corner in the working world?
«In '98, when I move to Bevera di Sirtori: I take a 400 square meter shop and I feel that, as a small artisan entrepreneur, I'm no longer a breakaway rider, but a good domestique, who holds on and doesn't give up».
And to say that problems were not lacking.
«Things are going well, very well and customers are also friends. On October 30, 2007, Veloplus is officially born, a name that says there's more than just bicycles. However, Paola, my wife, who had supported me in everything in this new adventure, is taken from me. She falls ill and shortly after I find myself alone with Matteo, Alice and Erika. I don't give up an inch, even though more than once I struggle and go into crisis. Running a shop and a new commercial reality is not at all easy, but I have many people who love me and give me a hand. Today Veloplus is growing (a thousand square meters of structure and about twenty people employed, ed.) and the shop (Cicli Spreafico, ed.) in Bevera, run by Dario Gargantini and Orlando Vecchi, is going great».
A family business...
«Where my kids work (Matteo races for MG K Vis, but doesn't fail to lend a hand: he's an excellent creative; Erika is our graphic designer; Alice is the production manager, ed.); Franca, my partner, is the filter and metronome of everything; Silvia, who is my right-hand, coordinates all the girls who give their precious and unconditional contribution».
Does he love cinema?
«Mainly western films».
His favorite?
«A Fistful of Dollars, by Sergio Leone».
«A good pizza is enough, I'm a huge fan. To make me happy, very little is needed».
«Ice cream, as long as there's cream, lots of cream».
So he loves cream...
«Red and black, of Milan and Veloplus».
His hobby?
«Bicycle, it's the only thing I love to do».
Does he have a dream?
«Work a little less, to do more bicycle vacations».
«In love. This year Franca and I gave ourselves ten days of relaxation in Sardinia, in Bosa, in the province of Oristano, and we pedaled three hours a day: me with the muscular bike, her with the electric one. The best way to enjoy landscapes and think about new things to realize».
Alfredo Martini always maintained that there's no better place to think than on a bicycle seat.
«You see, the bicycle is the ultimate, especially for us at Veloplus».

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