INTERVIEW | 03/01/2025 | 08:27
di Eros Maccioni

His natural dimension is the breakaway, crowded places (the peloton, for example) are not for him. Frigo must escape at every opportunity, favorable or not. And if they chase him, he attacks again to thin out the company. He did this often this year, at the Vuelta the daily question was: who will be in the breakaway today with Frigo?
A climber-puncheur with a knack for attacks is tempting for any team, and indeed Israel Premier Tech has secured him until 2026. Now it's about finalizing, converting attempts into victories. The 24-year-old from San Giuseppe di Cassola, Italian Under champion, came close in stage 6 of the Vuelta, beaten only by an unstoppable O'Connor. On the second day of Tour de La Provence, he escaped at the start with others, whom he dropped on the Col de l'Aire. Former world champion Pedersen went crazy trying to catch him, succeeding when only 400 meters were left to the finish. Snapshots of a season concluded with 73 races, totaling 11 thousand kilometers with a number on his back.
"In the group, slipstreams and tactics count, when you're out, the engine matters. Winning in today's cycling is extremely difficult, breakaways are my way of emerging".
Did you expect to handle Giro and Vuelta in a single year without batting an eye?
"It's one of the most positive things about my 2024, I'm aware that I can handle two Grand Tours well. Probably in 2025 I'll do Giro and Vuelta again, it will help me grow further and arrive more prepared for the Tour de France the following year".
A fan club with over 200 members is something that would make some champions jealous...
"And to think that I was part of the initial core. It was 2017, together with some friends we went to see the Giro stage that ended in Asiago. Then they started coming to see me and the group kept growing. Actually, I'm just a pretext for having a party, cycling and fun go hand in hand".
Tell us about your passion for motors?
"I grew up in my grandfather's and father's workshop, I've always had my hands on cars and at the end of my career I hope to do some rallies as a navigator. Meanwhile, I do vintage car gatherings with my dad and, to have fun, I bought a go-kart".
Other riders go on vacation to warm beaches, you to Iceland...
"I could never lie in the sun for hours. I toured Iceland with seven friends at the end of October, never stopping. This is the type of vacation that truly recharges me".
You travel the world with an Israeli team and the name Israel in big letters on the jersey: did everything go smoothly?
"There were some tense moments, but I never felt in danger, also because the organizers are prepared and the team protects us. There were activist demonstrations where our buses were, no particular problems".
In 2025, you start from?
"From France, on February 2nd, at G.P. La Marseillaise".

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Molto, molto bravo
3 gennaio 2025 18:28 apprendista passista
Gran corridore, mi piace tantissimo. Sono sicuro che il prossimo anno una tappa al Giro e una alla Vuelta la porterà a casa. Al Giro, anche la tappa abruzzese da Castel di Sangro a Tagliacozzo (Marsia) potrebbe essere adatta. E, dopo Giulio Ciccone (sono del chietino anche io) tifo sicuramente per lui.

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