Determination and passion: his qualities, among others, most appreciated by sponsors, who would later become his friends, to whom Gianni knew how to transfer his enthusiasm, stimulating investments that for everyone had a return, not only economic but of knowledge and entry into a world he loved immeasurably, that of cycling.
Sympathy, grace and availability, the qualities through which he knew how to make himself loved by the cycling community, people who spend hours along routes of all kinds, to applaud those boys who sweat and toil on the bicycle, to give them encouragement, an applause when, at the starts or finishes of many races, he would engage with people he had never seen before, approaching with a friendly tone, as if they had known each other forever.
Dedication and tenacity were Gianni's characteristics at the basis of his relationship with riders, team personnel, technicians, agents, managers, collaborators: always ready to confront and find appropriate solutions, asking for determination without demanding it.
Many of his friends are now expressing disbelief and amazement at the sudden disappearance of Gianni Savio. Testimonies of affection from all over the world, including from many champions, riders, through messages and phone calls, each remembering an episode, an anecdote, a simple encounter.
In the words of Giuseppe Bigolin, owner of Selle Italia, the thoughts of many representatives of major companies that accompanied our Teams are summarized: "A great gentleman, a true gentleman: few like him in the cycling world. Over many years, we were carried away by his enthusiasm, sharing every adventure infected by his passion. In years of collaboration, never a misunderstanding, only many satisfactions".
Incredible memories highlighted by Pino Buda from Sidermec; Mario, Chiara and Paolo Scolè of Androni Giocattoli; Lino Diquigiovanni from the namesake windows; Sonia Persegona from Tre Colli, Giovanni Vietti and Antonio Pola from Lauretana, a continuous river of affection demonstrated with sincere words to confirm the great dismay for the sudden disappearance of a true gentleman of cycling. Paolo and Alessandro Guerciotti from Guerciotti bikes, Anna Salice from the namesake eyewear company and an endless list of entrepreneurs who over the years helped make possible the beautiful story of Gianni Savio.
It is not the usual circumstantial phrase but, in cases like these, it is inevitable to say that Gianni leaves an enormous, immeasurable, infinite void. It will take time to metabolize the news that spread during these festive days, bringing a vein of understandable sadness among the innumerable and enviable audience of his friends and fans.
With our current press officer and longtime friend Leondino Pescatore, I wanted to draft this thank you to those who have rallied around our team, to those who have supported and shared, tangibly, the ideas, passions and insights of our Gianni, a manager who knew how to be tough and determined, as he loved to repeat, equally generous and gentlemanly, with a heart so big and that smile that was worth a thousand words.
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