PROFESSIONALS | 31/12/2024 | 08:40 di Francesca Monzone After three consecutive victories from 2020 to 2022,Biniam Girmayhas won the title ofBest Cyclist of the African Continentfor the fourth time in his career. Girmay once again raised the African Cyclist Trophy, succeeding his compatriot Henok Mulubrhan andpreceding the South African Jan Hatherly, the first African cyclist to become world mountain bike champion and bronze medalist at the Paris Olympics, andthe Algerian Yacine Hamzawho dominated the rankings in the continent's main races. Biniam Girmay is 24 years old, races in Europe with the Belgian Intermarché Wanty, and won the prestigious award thanks to his results at the Tour de France, winning three stages andthe prestigious green jersey for the points classification. A result that no African rider had ever achieved before. Biniam is writing the history of Eritrea but also of all of Africa, as demonstrated by the 4 African Cyclist Trophies won in the last 5 years. It isthe ninth time, since this award was created, thatan Eritrean rider wins the African Cyclist Trophy:following in the rankings are South Africa with three victories and Rwanda with one. Biniam Girmay was the most voted rider: presiding over the jury was five-time Tour de France winner Bernard Hinault, with twenty-five members voting, including African riders, sports directors, managers, cycling event organizers from the continent, and specialized journalists from both Africa and Europe, who followed all the cycling races on the continent. This Trophy was created withthe aim of helping the development of African cycling, rewarding the continent's rider who achieved the best performances of the season and managed, through his influence, to make African cycling known on the world stage. Since turning professional, Biniam Girmay has obtained 16 victories, including the stage won in 2022 at the Giro d'Italia, the stages at this year's Tour, and Gent-Wevelgem in 2022. In 2025, the World Cycling Championships will be held in Africa for the first time: Rwanda and its capital Kigali will host the event.Girmay will be the ambassador for the world championship weekand in the upcoming season, he will try to race at his best with the hope of being the first African rider to win the world champion jersey.
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