HISTORY | 29/12/2024 | 08:15
di Gian Paolo Porreca
He passed away after Rik Van Looy, not in a sprint though, he who by far was the best of us who type - now more than ever - barely, Gian Paolo Ormezzano. He passed away, decades don't matter, 90 years ongoing, children grandchildren Giros and Tours Championships and Olympics, classics and small races, books upon books, from pure Coppi to pure Maradona, a slap to Covid and the heart pain that hits us all, stent by stent, with that eternal Beatles-like youth, Gian Paolo Ormezzano, the sumptuous journalist from Turin and the entire world.
He passed away, and if we start from our intimate self, perhaps for emotion we'll tell it better, for once let self-referentiality be welcome, Ormezzano.
Ormezzano, then, is the journalist who in an "Monday Trial" by Aldo Biscardi or thereabouts stands up and lays it all out and walks away decisively and won't set foot again: "but how can you still talk about football transfers and almost fight, as if it were a sport, tonight when the news has just arrived in the newsroom that Bruno Raschi has died?". Yes, Bruno Raschi, the great cycling storyteller, it was May 1983, who had been Ormezzano's master, that intact lesson of sport's est/ethics never equaled...
He passed away, director of Tuttosport and Guerin, column for Famiglia Cristiana and Tuttobici and a box of attention for all worthy ones, at the crossroads between his favorite cycling and due football, with that Toro always praised and that front-page title he was eternally proud of, "Someone Loves Us Down There", for Torino's championship with Pulici and Graziani, Ferrini even higher, it was 1976, long after the great Torino ended at Superga.
He passed away, he and his devastating and cordial irony, just a bit sharp towards that derby Juventus whose deity, Giampiero Boniperti, was actually one of his best friends.
Friends, yes, like he was to the one writing here - do you remember "Mimì at the Railway", and my brother-in-law Alfredo, championship in Naples 1987? - and signs second not only in aridly alphabetical order, GPO vs GPP, who from Naples had told him about an indecipherable passion for Dutch cycling and not football, who would have thought. And who accompanied him that unique time in life to follow - for "Il Mattino" - a Paris-Roubaix, it was 1987, with Sports Chief Romolo Acampora.
And I would want to thank him again, the unprepared novice against the master who had the passepartout of the glittering world, for how in the press room of the Roubaix Velodrome he grabbed the phone badly and transmitted the piece to the newspaper's editors himself. And it was late in the press room. And misty.
And the return trip together by car, up to Paris's Gare du Nord, my wife was also following, to tackle a majestic plateau of oysters. Because life wasn't just that, he taught us - April 12, 1987 - to write about Eric Vanderaerden victorious and Francesco Moser at his last Roubaix, that time. Laughing all the way, à la Fred Buscaglione. Life is an unreachable miracle even tomorrow, it was always, for Gian Paolo Ormezzano.

PS: GPO, are you really sure you stopped here?

Copyright © TBW
30 dicembre 2025 19:54 canepari
è il più "ormezzanesco" dei contemporanei...

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