INTERVIEW | 28/12/2024 | 09:00
di Francesca Monzone
Remco Evenepoel, due to his injuries,has had to learn to live with long waiting periods and 2025 will be a year of adaptations for him. The two-time Olympic champion is still sidelined after a training crash three weeks ago, in which he suffered a shoulder and rib fracture and a right clavicle dislocation. Only on January 9th, after someradiographic checks, will it be possible to precisely evaluate the path Evenepoel can take to return to racing. In 2025, he wants to compete in the Ardennes Classics and win Liège-Bastogne-Liège again, while the Giro d'Italia now seems completely off his schedule.
«Unfortunately, since 2020, injuries have become something familiar to me – Remco explained to the newspaperDH – The situation is improving, but slowly, and I feel small progress every day. In terms of exercises, I can't do anything, except a small shoulder manipulation to prevent it from becoming too stiff. They also massage my elbow and arm muscles, but that's it».
On December 3rd, while training, Evenepoel crashed into an open door of a Belgian postal van and, after a shoulder surgery, has not yet started the rehabilitation that will allow him to get back in the saddle.
«I still feel pain in my shoulder, which means the injury is still healing and was quite serious.This situation is not pleasant, but fortunately, I'm wearing the arm support less at home. Outside, I wear it to avoid false movements or contacts. I'm waiting for January 9th, when I'll do some exams, to see exactly where we are. In any case, a recovery of my shoulder is expected within six to eight weeks from the fall. So we're only halfway there».
Evenepoel's original plans included returning to racing in February, but now everything has been pushed forward, and his return to racing is expected, perhaps, in the first days of April, a date that will likely prevent him from participating in the Giro d'Italia.
«I hope that on January 9thI'll be given the green light to do some exercise on the rollers, combined with strengthening sessions with the physiotherapist. We must wait and see how the first weeks of training go. But honestly, I can't imagine returning to competitions before the beginning of April. So, it will probably be too late for the Giro, although you never know what might happen».
In January, the Belgian won't even be able to participate in the training camp in Calpe with his Soudal-Quick Step team and will spend the next period at home with his family and wife Oumi.
His return to racing could be on April 18th at the Brabant Arrow, but everything will be determined after road training resumes.
«The initial plan included Ardèche and Drôme Classic (March 1 and 2), before going to Paris-Nice (March 9-16) or Tirreno-Adriatico (March 10-16), but everything has fallen through. If I manage to start training around February 4-5, I'll only have three weeks in my legs before these two races. So, it's no longer an option, and today I have only one idea in mind: to be at the start of the Brabant Arrow and continue with the other three Ardennes Classics with the goal of winning again right away».

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28 dicembre 2024 16:59 Cicorececconi
Non mollare ! Se per uno scafoide rotto, abbiamo letto milioni di scuse nel 2023, chissa' cosa dovremmo dire di questo ragazzo.

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A quei livelli altissimi, anche in'unghia incarnita ti fa perdere una competizione...

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niente...non ve ne fate una ragione...

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