INTERVIEW | 25/12/2024 | 08:05
di Luca Galimberti

He had taken a break and now he's ready to get back in the saddle. Andrea Pusateri, born in 1993, actually never stopped loving bikes, he simply chose to pedal towards new adventures but now he has decided to return to paracycling, or in his own words, "Start doing what I do best".

The cyclist from Monza told tuttobiciweb about the challenges awaiting him in this new year.

Andrea, where are we starting from, or better, where are you restarting from?

"From the Travel&Service Cycling Team, the Bergamo-based team with which I will return to racing in the next season".

Travel, like a journey. And the opportunity to return to racing was born during a trip, right?

"Exactly. This summer I was leaving for Paris for an event related to the Olympic Games and on that occasion I met Lucio Dognini, the president of Travel&Service Cycling Team. We talked about many things, a relationship of mutual respect and trust was immediately established, and when Lucio proposed that I race with his team, I accepted with great pleasure. I am very proud and highly motivated to return to competitions".

When will we see you with a number on your back?

"The Paracycling calendar is not yet well defined, today I am also waiting to best organize my season. I would like to debut in April in Marina di Massa, that's a race I particularly like and I would like to restart from there. One of the goals is also to participate in some World Cup events, I have already marked the Bruges stage in Belgium in early May on my agenda. Then, I can't hide it, the dream is to wear the blue jersey again. The focus right now is on preparation, I have already done an outing with the Travel&Service Juniors and from January 3rd we will be in training camp".

Will you also cycle today on Christmas?

"No, no bike today, I'll spend the day with my partner and her family".

We wrote it at the beginning, in these years you have experienced various adventures, can you tell us about one?

"In 2019 I felt the need for a change. In 2021 I wanted to challenge myself with Ironman races but I discovered I suffer from seasickness and therefore preferred to stop and return to using only the bicycle. I moved to ultracycling, where each test is a journey within oneself. This year I participated in the Race Across Italy together with a friend and my partner who followed me in the support car, it was a magnificent experience, cycling I discovered places in our country that I will never forget".

Not just sports and bikes, you are also very active on Social Media.

"I like to show my challenges, my projects, tell about myself. In everything I do, not just on Social Media, I try to be an inspiration to others. I will try to do this next year in races with the Travel&Service Team jersey and with several other projects I'm working on".

Can you give us a preview of something?

"Not yet, I'll just tell you that 2025 will be very intense and full of beautiful things".

With these premises, we can only wait... Happy New Year, Andrea.

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