CONTINENTAL | 22/12/2024 | 08:12
Three more confirmations for the 2025 Continental Team Biesse Carrera Premac, led in the team car by sports directors Marco Milesi and Dario Nicoletti. For the second year, Tommaso Dati, Etienne Grimod and Luca Maggia will wear the Brescia jersey again.
TOMMASO DATI - A Tuscan born in 2002, in the new season he will be an experienced element moving up to the Elite category. In 2024, he stood out by dominating the Gran Premio Industrie del Marmo, as well as winning the Flying Jerseys at the Giro della Val d'Aosta.
"In the past season, I feel I've made a step forward by racing some professional races and even winning one. Moreover, as a team we were cohesive and consistent throughout the year. Personally, I expect more continuity in 2025, trying to perhaps secure a few more victories. I'm keen to do well and stand out in races with professionals".
ETIENNE GRIMOD - A Valle d'Aosta native born in 2005, he will face his second year in the Under 23 category, where last year he made his debut by immediately securing a second place in early March at the Giro dei 4 Comuni-Trofeo Alessandro Bolis.
"I felt very comfortable with Team Biesse Carrera, the team didn't put any pressure on me and I believe I gained a lot of experience even in races that aren't straightforward for a first-year rider, like the Giro Next Gen or numerous international races. Since in my first Under 23 year I tried to gain as much experience as possible, for 2025 I'll try to chase more results, without neglecting personal growth to become a true rider".
LUCA MAGGIA - From Biella, born in 2005, in 2024 he achieved his most beautiful victory: returning to the saddle (in early August in Osio Sotto) after overcoming significant health issues (Burkitt's lymphoma). With great determination, Luca worked hard to continue riding in the group.
"Last year was a transitional year, obviously I couldn't be competitive at all, but I made progress in a short time that I didn't think I could achieve, thanks to sports directors Marco and Dario who always encouraged me to take one step further without pressure. At the start of the season, I could barely ride a bike for an hour, by the end of 2024 I was already doing Under 23 training. Now I've started working regularly in the gym and on the road; for 2025 I have no particular expectations, I feel much better and will focus on helping my teammates as much as possible".
THE SPORTS DIRECTOR'S OPINION - "From Tommaso Dati - comments sports director Dario Nicoletti - we expect a quality leap in terms of consistency, which is crucial for those aspiring to become professionals. You can't afford to alternate between outstanding performances and very anonymous ones, so for 2025 we expect him to be a protagonist with consistency in more races and to be in the thick of the action every time he pins on a number. In 2024, Etienne Grimod was one of the best performers in his first year as an Under 23; from him, we expect a further quality leap and the start of a certain collection of results within his possibilities. He can do great things in races suitable for fast rouleurs that we'll participate in. Regarding Luca Maggia, in 2024 the goal after his recovery was to gradually let him rediscover the racing environment and the emotions of having a number pinned on. In agreement with him, for next year we want to recover the athlete as well: he is working really hard to return to full capacity as a rider".

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