INTERVIEW | 22/12/2024 | 08:15
di Francesco Coppola
"2024 has been a wonderful year that made me rediscover many beautiful things and appreciate even more the people who love me and stand by my side". This was revealed by Francesco Lamon, blue jersey of the team pursuit and from Scaltenigo, who was celebrated at the Restaurant and Inn "Il Burchiello" in Oriago and will be awarded this afternoon, Sunday, December 22nd, in Mirano's square by the mayor and great cycling friend, Tiziano Baggio on the occasion of the ceremony called "Azzurri Forever".
What is the balance of your 2024?
I would say truly excellent, given that I managed to win a very important medal at the Paris Olympics in the specialty that means the most to me, even though the year did not end in the best way following the fall during the World Championships in Ballerup, Denmark, an accident that did not allow us to perform as we know how and would have wanted. But these things can happen, and it will go well next time".
Who are the people you appreciate most in cycling?
"Certainly the Technical Commissioner of the Italian National Team, Marco Villa, who performs an extremely important task with all of us and is already looking to the future by introducing new talents to the national team. He is one of those who always looks ahead and already thinks about tomorrow. But there are also my family and my girlfriend Sara who always support me and are irreplaceable for me. They give me the strength to always move forward".
What do you think about the recognition you have received these days from the Mirano Cycling Union with Italo Bevilacqua and President Paolo Mario Bustreo?
"First of all, it must be said that between me and the Mirano Cycling Union, there is and always will be a special relationship because I cannot forget that this society has contributed to forming me first as a man and then as a rider. Two legendary figures like Italo Bevilacqua and the late Attilio Benfatto took me to the track in Padua for the first time, making me discover the beauties of this wonderful sector, and I will never forget this. I am grateful to the black and white team for what they have done for me and are still doing with many young people. For the club's managers in Mirano, results are relatively unimportant; the most beautiful victories are those linked to training the men of the future, and this is their main objective. And I will never tire of repeating this and saying thank you".
What are the objectives for the future?
"There are many. But the one I aspire to most of all is winning the third Olympic medal, the silver one, after achieving gold in Tokyo 2021 and bronze in Paris 2024. I would very much like to complete the trio in Los Angeles in 2028. But it must be kept in mind that in the coming weeks, there will be the Europeans scheduled in the brand new Zolder velodrome in Belgium, where the 2028 edition will also be held. The main objective is also to redeem ourselves from the unfortunate Danish World Championship".
What do you intend to do after hanging up your bicycle?
"I currently belong to the Fiamme Azzurre Group where I am doing very well, and I would like to have a role in the team's technical sector in the future because my desire is to be able to transmit to future generations everything that was taught to me".

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di Francesco Coppola
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