BOOKS | 21/12/2024 | 08:08
di Paolo Broggi
Silvano Rodella loves to tell stories and has been doing so his entire life: through photos, words, and images. He loves talking about races and riders, technicians and sponsors, old and new friends, men and women, always and in any case about cycling. He has been doing this, as we said, his whole life. And for the past ten years, Silvano has been telling his stories with an instrument that quickly became traditional: his Cycling Almanac.
An editorial adventure by Silvano was born almost by chance in 2014 with "Brescia Cycling Almanac - From 1975 to the Present Day": the goal was to pay homage to the world of cycling and images in which he had spent an entire life.
It was supposed to be a unique volume, in the author's plans, but the appreciation that the Almanac received from enthusiasts was such that it pushed good Rodella first to a second edition and then to transform that idea into an annual appointment that is already a collector's item. Thus, the Almanac crosses the ten-year milestone and presents itself with a title that already moves you when you read it: "The Best of Our Lives". Silvano loves to tell stories, and he dedicates himself to the Almanac with great passion: as early as February, he begins to select photos and events, to layout, create, and refine. And this year - as always - he went "beyond", was forced to choose, combine, and improve until closing the book on page 352.
A number that alone is enough to make us imagine how many stories Silvano has to tell, how many emotions to give, how many beautiful moments to relive. Can we possibly miss this appointment? Those interested in the volume Illustrated Cycling Almanac "The Best Years of Our Lives" can contact the author directly at the address:

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