POLITICS | 19/12/2024 | 08:22
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The long sprint that will take us to the federal elections scheduled for January 19th in Fiumicino has begun. While Regions and Provinces are completing the basic electoral rounds, the four candidates for the Federciclismo presidency have filed their programs. We thought of bringing them to the attention of all enthusiasts and not just the grand electors.
After Lino Secchi's, here is the electoral program of Silvio Martinello, who will turn 62 on the day of the elections. Multiple Olympic and World Champion on the track, he was also, among other things, the pink jersey at the Giro d'Italia. From November 2005 to August 2007, he was the Technical Director General of the Road and Track sectors, resigning later due to differences of opinion with the federal council. Already a presidential candidate in 2021.

These are the highlights of his program that you can download and read in full in the attached PDF.

The experience of 2021 made me understand that our movement has a great desire for change. The numbers from the last assembly clearly testify to this. Only a systematic conditioning work prevented taking the path of renewal.
Also for this reason, it was my duty to re-present myself, to give voice to a base in great suffering that strongly demands attention and tools to continue to carry out the delicate vital functions that are its responsibility. I propose myself as a man of confrontation and dialogue, ready to commit to making our Federation participatory, transparent, and democratic. At the center of the system, our territorial offices, namely the Regional and Provincial Committees, must return as an authentic point of reference in their respective territories of competence.
The challenges we face are complex and not easily solved, but we have the skills to try to win them. Fundamental will be a humble approach, yet at the same time determined and meticulous.


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