NEWS | 18/12/2024 | 11:11
di Comunicato Polti Kometa

A partnership born this year, destined to renew itself over the next 2 yearsFineco, the bank that simplifies banking, has decided to strengthen its relationship with the Team Polti Kometa, Team Polti VisitMalta from 2025. The shared values centered on three pillars, namely commitment, sustainability and respect, will continue to pedal in Italy and around the world through the always orderly and proactive racing style of Ivan Basso and the Contador brothers‘ ProTeam. It’s the meeting of two realities with a human and technological development model appreciated internationally.

The Fineco brand will stand out on the riders’ hearts, positioned on the jersey on the left side of the chest, and will also be present on the pants next to the logos of the 2025 title sponsors Polti and Visit Malta. Placements of absolute prominence, for a synergy that will also include the activation of important hospitality experiences at races for Fineco clients and partners.

“I’m very proud of this renewed and enhanced partnership” – declares Ivan Basso, Polti Kometa’s Team Principal – “Fineco was already our partner this year, and choosing to expand the sponsorship on one hand rewards the work we do with passion and seriousness, and on the other testifies to what I call the sustainable power of cycling. We are happy to wear and carry the colors and values of Fineco in the peloton!”

Echoing him is Fran Contador, General Manager of the Team: “We are extremely happy to announce Fineco again among our partners for 2025 and 2026. After a first satisfactory year for everyone, we’ll be able to continue pursuing shared objectives together. We deeply thank Fineco for believing in our project and we count on this being the beginning of a long collaboration”.

Francesca Polti, President and CEO of the Polti Group, the brand that gives the first name to the squad, comments on the news: “Fineco’s decision to join the sponsors on the jersey is the result of a direct experience lived together on the field during this year and testifies, once again, to the great potential of investments in sponsorships in the world of cycling. It’s an honor that such a prestigious bank has been able to grasp the value of cycling in terms of communication, networking and proximity to people. And to have done so by choosing this team, an excellence in the Italian landscape. As title sponsors, we enthusiastically welcome the arrival of new partners, certain that together we’ll create synergies throughout the year, maximizing the skills and resources of each.”

Paolo Di Grazia, Fineco’s Deputy General Manager and Global Business Manager: “This year spent alongside Team Polti Kometa has confirmed a concrete closeness of values: teamwork, the commitment to overcome even the most complex road sections, and the passion that guides the achievement of important milestones. We are happy to strengthen this path together for the next two years, visually flanking the colors of our brand with those of the Team”.

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di Comunicato Polti Kometa
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