POLITICA | 16/12/2024 | 13:56
Massimo Romanelli is the new president of the Marche Regional Federciclismo Committee for the 2025-2028 four-year period. The regional electoral assembly, which took place last Saturday at the Terzo Censi hall of CONI in Ancona, saw the participation of 78% of those entitled to vote. In addition to the new president Romanelli, Marco Marinuk was appointed as vice president, Maurizio Minucci as vice president, and Roberta Del Mastro and Gidas Umbri as council members.
"Cycling is my great passion, it is also history, territory, and sociality. It has always complemented my work commitment in a private company and my interest in literature and history. It was 1974 when in Savignano sul Rubicone I followed the first race perched on my father's shoulders. At the time, the Marche native Enrico Paolini won over Francesco Moser and Felice Gimondi. This memory is a sign of destiny. Then the commitment as a manager, long and rich in satisfaction, with a special lesson learned from Lino Secchi. I am convinced that together with the two vice presidents and two council members, we can always do more and better. We start from a precious work already carried out diligently. We have the task of confirming ourselves at these levels and bringing those innovations required by a sports world that changes every day. All this always with cycling in our hearts," said the new regional president Romanelli, who had held the role of vice president several times in past years.
Marco Marinuk: "After nine years in the saddle as an athlete, four as a co-organizer of a junior race, and twelve as a manager, I can only say long live cycling! I have always seen my commitment to Federciclismo as a way to give back to this sport everything it has given me since I started racing. For three terms, I have had the honor of representing regional cycling, of which I am extremely proud. A heartfelt thanks to Lino Secchi for what he has done for me, for the committee, and for the entire regional and beyond cycling movement."
Maurizio Minucci: "My commitment is to grow the cycling movement in Marche starting from the youngest. The stronger the grassroots activity, the greater the numbers in competitive categories. To create this, we must ensure that youth activities are carried out in complete safety, so that parents entrust their children to cycling volunteers. We must try, in agreement with the Region, the Italian Cycling Federation, CONI, and all institutions, to build tracks and velodromes. I know it may be a utopia, but if we want this sport not to die, we must absolutely try with all our might."
Roberta Del Mastro: "I am determined and ready for this new role as a council member, also representing the women's movement. In past years, I worked behind the scenes of the Avis Bike Cingoli club, passionately preparing one of the 'pearls' of off-road cycling in central Italy, namely the Nove Fossi Mtb Race. This will certainly be a stimulating experience where I will put my organizational skills at disposal and where there will surely be many things to learn and where one must get involved."
Among the youngest council members is Gidas Umbri (born in 2001), with a past as an athlete up to the under 23 category and also a multi-medal winner in track cycling: "I made this choice to try to help our cycling at the regional level and on Lino Secchi's proposal, embarking on this new path. I would like to lend a hand to the Federation that has always been mine, bringing a bit of the experience I lived in Lombardy, at Colpack and in the National team. I am ready, together with the new board, to further improve our movement."
A special 'good luck' wish to the new board was extended by outgoing president Lino Secchi, who ended his mandate after 24 years of service to the Marche cycling movement, interspersed with a four-year period when he became vice president of the Italian Cycling Federation (2005-2008), as well as a candidate for the upcoming federal elections on January 19 in Rome for the national president position: "I did my best with commitment and great presence, wherever you were, between important or less important races, parties, ceremonies, and meetings to share my line of thought. I am aware that I have also made mistakes and for this, I apologize, but I believe that what we have done together is much more relevant. It comes naturally to me to say that I will carry you, for the rest of my life, deep in my heart, remembering especially all the beautiful things we experienced together. An affectionate greeting to everyone. To Marche cycling, ad maiora semper."
After the elections, the new board will soon appoint those who will hold positions in the various technical commissions and in all other sectors of the regional committee to make Marche a prominent protagonist in national and international cycling.

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