JUNIORS | 15/12/2024 | 08:45
The Pio Nono restaurant in Erbusco (Brescia) hosted the traditional Christmas dinner of the Team Fratelli Giorgi Brasilia ISI Service which, as every year, represents the occasion to celebrate the successes of the just-concluded season and present the new team for the upcoming season. 2024 was another year to remember with the Bergamo-based team being the best Junior team in Italy, collecting numerous victories and prestigious successes (26 on the road).
Among the main results, the European MTB XCR title stands out with Mattia Stenico, who also became the Trentino road champion. The numbers also show that Giacomo Rosato (7 victories) and Elia Andreaus (6 victories) were the most successful of the season. There were 8 victories in national races and 4 victories in international MTB races with Stenico.
They also won a silver medal at the Italian Team Time Trial Championships and a world bronze in the MTB Team Relay with Stenico. President Carlo Giorgi, as every year, gathered many friends, sponsors, and authorities for the occasion. The evening began with the awards ceremony for the 2nd-year riders who will leave the team next season, having reached the age limit, and will take flight towards professional cycling.
Then space was given to the authorities, starting with the President of Federciclismo Cordiano Dagnoni, who said: "I can only congratulate Carlo Giorgi and his entire team, because they represent an excellence in the world of cycling for the work they do with young people, for the many results they are able to achieve, and because this team represents a school of life".
The newly confirmed President of the Lombardy Regional FCI Committee Stefano Pedrinazzi added: "The importance of the Junior category is becoming increasingly significant at national and international levels, and having a Junior team of this caliber is very important for the young riders, to prepare them best for professional cycling. As a Lombard, I want to emphasize how the team is also linked to a Lombard bicycle brand like Guerciotti".
Also present were Papa Paolo and Alessandro Guerciotti, owners of the eponymous bicycle brand that has been alongside the Giorgi Team as a technical partner for several years.
The President of the Federal Technical Structure Fabrizio Bontempi declared: "We must thank this society because for decades it has shown a great willingness to invest in the Junior category, obtaining great results and also committing to organizing a race". Representing the Provincial FCI Committee of Bergamo was councilor Mara Mologni, who added: "On behalf of the Provincial Committee, we thank the Giorgi Team for the activity carried out both with the team and for the organizational will, and I take the opportunity to also highlight the 'A Life for Cycling' award that, as a Committee, we have decided to confer to Angelo Messa, the society's secretary, an tireless pillar and a constant presence in our committee".
Angelo Trapletti, vice president of the society, said: "For us, being involved as sponsors and supporters of this project is something very positive. It's a winning team that grows young champions, and then cycling is a sport that teaches effort and sacrifice, thus forming men". Among the other guests present were the Head Coach of the Italian Junior National Team Dino Salvoldi and the agent and former professional Luca Mazzanti. At the conclusion of the evening, the presentation of the 2025 team with the 15 riders available to sports director Leone Malaga and the cutting of the cake with the society's managers.

Giacomo Agostino (1st year)
Lorenzo Basso (2nd year)
Thomas Bernardi (2nd year)
Francesco Colosio (1st year)
Simone Gardani (2nd year)
Maksym Lahuta (2nd year) Paolo Marangon (1st year)
Matteo Mengarelli (2nd yea
Edoardo Raschi (2nd year)
Giacomo Rosato (2nd year)
Marco Rota (1st year)
Pietro Solavaggione (1st year)
Nicola Pulici Testa (2nd year)
Luca Vaccher (2nd year)
Riccardo Vesco (1st year)

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