POLITICS | 14/12/2024 | 14:37
Giovannina Collanega hands over the baton to Renato Beber, the new president of the Cycling Federation Committee of the Autonomous Province of Trento. The appointment took place this morning at the Coni headquarters in Via Malpensada in Trento, where Trentino societies expressed their vote, promoting the sole candidate for the presidency. Joining Beber in the next four-year period (2025-2028) will be Enrico D'Aquilio and Sara Consolati in the role of vice presidents, and Fabia Sartori and Andrea Piechele as council members.
The electoral assembly opened with greetings from the national Cycling Federation president Cordiano Dagnoni, who reiterated his gratitude towards a Committee he himself defined as a "virtuous example".
"In relation to the territory and the number of societies and registered members, Trentino represents an excellence of the national cycling movement," Dagnoni commented. "Personally, I extend a 'thank you' to Giovannina Collanega for the work done in the last four years, with enthusiasm and availability, which can represent a new boost for the continuation of the work".
Work that will be entrusted to the new team now led by Renato Beber, a well-known face to cycling enthusiasts, born in 1954, who currently held the role of president of the Gardolo Cycling Club, where he began his managerial career in 2010, with particular attention to nurturing young talent.
"We gladly accept the trust demonstrated by the societies," these are the first words of the new president Renato Beber, "but we do not want it to become a mere delegation. We want the societies to spur us on, and we will try to gather their needs and solicitations. We are aware of the challenges and that it will take patience, determination, and passion to build useful answers so that the future of cycling in Trento remains as flourishing as it has been in the past and in recent years".
What are the priorities? "Those we inherited from the outgoing Committee," Beber replies. "First and foremost, it is necessary to maintain a constant relationship with the societies. The other important issue is safety, whose absence risks driving away young people and families from our world, depriving it of vital lymph. We can no longer wait: the city of Trento must have a structure, a protected circuit, that allows the youngest to train safely. Then, by trying to open a constructive dialogue with the provincial entity, we will need to try to do the same in our valleys".
Alongside Beber will be the two vice presidents Enrico D'Aquilio, from Valsugan in Telve, who founded the Gs Lagorai Bike with some friends in 2007 and has been its president since then, and Sara Consolati, a former athlete born in 1992, multi-decorated in track cycling at both national and international levels, a second-level coach trainer since 2014, and a regional (since 2015) and national (since 2021) race judge.
The two elected council members are Fabia Sartori, who has been in the world of two wheels for years, first as a master athlete and since 2023 also as an instructor trainer and speaker, and Andrea Piechele, a former professional road cyclist (from 2010 to 2015) and then a coach trainer and preparer.
During the assembly, chaired by Andrea Furlani, the delegates to the national assembly representing the affiliates were also elected, namely Giuseppe Mendini, Romano Nichelatti, Cinzia Turrina, Paolo Castelli, and Walter Zanardi.
There were no shortage of applause for Giovannina Collanega, the outgoing president, who during her report expressed her satisfaction for what was done and the results achieved in the just-concluded four-year period, the fruit of shared teamwork developed with vice presidents Antonio Benvenuti and Walter Zanardi and with council members Paolo Castelli and Roberto Corradini.

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