NEWS | 14/12/2024 | 08:12
di Marco Pastonesi

Number 1 is of a footballer: Angelo Schiavio, an ancient center-forward of that Bologna (and also of that Italy, in the Thirties) that used to make the world tremble. Number 6 is the first non-footballer: Dino Meneghin, basketball. Number 11 is the first of a woman: Pamela Noutchwo Sala, boxer from Bolognina Boxe (and she is the only one to have the privilege of a second sticker, for her number 62). Number 15 is the first of a rider: Michele Scarponi.

They are called "Celebrative sticker", celebrative stickers, Panini-style, contained in a small booklet, the first page is a portrait, the second illustrates the collection (Figurine Forever Association) and the motto ("In stickers we trust", we believe in stickers), the third, in addition to the sticker, has reproductions of photos, drawings, covers and articles, in the fourth a brief biography of the character is reported and collaborations and sponsorships are cited.

Among the celebrative stickers, football dominates (all, one by one, those of the Grande Torino crashed on Superga, plus Sandro Tomà and Renato Gandolfi, survivors because they were not called for that match in Lisbon against Benfica, as well as all those of Bologna champion in 1963-1964), but there are also diving (for Giorgio Cagnotto, the father, number 45, for Tania, the daughter, number 46) and motorsport (number 30 for Chris Amon), with lots of basketball and baseball. Cycling claims its heroes. So far, only two: sticker number 27 is dedicated to Gino Bartali, number 113 to Luigi Malabrocca.

The Figurine Forever Association is born "to spread the culture of sticker collecting; to propose itself as a meeting and aggregation place through exhibitions, events, initiatives and its own productions; to use the charm and success of stickers to create and support solidarity, cultural initiatives and development projects; although our fundraising possibilities may seem limited, we are convinced that, alongside economic necessity, the social message, awareness and historical memory are equally important".

So far, 306 solidarity stickers have been printed, for a total of 56,580 stickers with related folders or postcards. "The self-produced solidarity stickers project can have different paths: 1) support the "Adopt With The Sticker" project and the related realities in Italy, Argentina, Bosnia, Madagascar and other countries. For this type of solidarity stickers, a contribution is requested and, after covering expenses, the entire proceeds are intended to support the project. In support of "Adopt With The Sticker" is also the collection of duplicate stickers, including collectors' donations, of all types of stickers from today and yesterday, to be put back on the market in complete sets or not, or in offered lots. 2) support historical memory and social promotion. These are normally solidarity stickers linked to Amnesty International, Aned (Association of Former Deportees in Nazi camps), Libera against mafias, or Museums (Genoa, Grande Torino, Fortitudo, Cycling Museums, WOW Fumetto Milano...). Remaining the purpose of fundraising through contributions, it is possible that Figurine Forever may donate a part of the printed stickers to the associations mentioned above, to be distributed on public meetings, events, school initiatives. 3) support local initiatives. Figurine Forever ( can be contacted to promote a project and raise funds. For this type of solidarity stickers, the role of Figurine Forever is to donate a certain number of copies to the local reality, which will directly handle the "sale" through contributions, retaining the entire amount collected. Subject to evaluation of the requested production. 4) support awareness. It is possible to request from Figurine Forever batches of solidarity stickers, among the available titles, through a minimum contribution to cover printing and production costs. The proposal can only be evaluated in case of requests above 100 copies and for social and educational purposes".

Copyright © TBW
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di Marco Pastonesi
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