POLITICS | 13/12/2024 | 08:16
di Francesco Coppola
The upcoming elections for the Veneto Regional Committee of the Italian Cycling Federation for the 2025-2028 Olympic four-year period, scheduled in Padua on Sunday, December 15 (first call at 2:30 PM and second call at 3:30 PM at the Crowne Plaza Hotel) will see Mario Guerretta from Monastier as the sole presidential candidate.
A very famous personality born in 1949 who has been working in the cycling world for over 50 years, particularly in media, having been involved 40 years ago first in the television broadcaster "Tele Alto Veneto" where every Sunday, together with Roldano Brion, he followed all races, and for 27 years in the famous television program "Teleciclismo" on "Telechiara" alongside Franco Damuzzo, which aired continuously for 25 years.
The electoral program of the new Regional Committee is based on 14 important points addressing issues related to Information, Training, Youth Sector, General Needs, Dialogue, Improvement and Innovation, Presence and Participation of Societies, Regulation Review, Organizational Proposal Harmonization, Overcoming Critical Issues, Specialties Enhancement, Institutional Relationships, Communication, and Safety, with the aim of offering a sustainable and dynamic future for Venetian cycling based on an inclusive and renewed approach that can promote growth, well-being, and valorization of the movement in all its expressions.
But how did Mario Guerretta's candidacy come about?
"I must say that they nominated me, and I asked those who wanted it if they thought I had the characteristics to be president. I am available because I want to work in favor of the Federation, and then we'll see if I'll be capable or not of doing so.
The work group that has formed and supports the national presidential candidacy of Silvio Martinello from Padua is composed of experienced people from various backgrounds in our region and fully agrees with the implementation of the programs."
"Among the important points we would like to realize, the first one to be immediately developed is Capillary Information made by competent people, especially regarding social aspects, because no one is concerned with informing operators about what should be done, and therefore everyone operates in their own way. This is an important issue because information must be univocal, and everyone must learn the message correctly, with a common guideline for all."
"Another fundamental argument is to raise more awareness about safety aspects related to civil responsibilities arising from potential situations of discomfort - Guerretta continued. The third point I care deeply about is harmonizing a work that is not simple to implement, which is to create a calendar compatibly made by each individual society to give everyone appropriate space, avoiding overlaps and seeking the best placements for top events to avoid coinciding manifestations." "The topics included in our program are truly many, and if we could realize three of them, it would be a real success - he continued. I would like Veneto to be truly united and not fragmented as it has been in recent years. If everyone worked towards a single common objective, while taking into account the territorial diversity of each, and we try to achieve it, it would be extremely important and not waste all available resources. We will try to implement these situations, and if we succeed, our region could become a leading one; otherwise, it will remain as it was before."
The team of the new Veneto Committee is composed of vice presidents nominated by Maria Bortolo from Verona and Ezio Piovesan from Padua, and the councilors: Paolo Bassanello from Venice, Luigi Comacchio from Vicenza, Loris Lovo from Padua, and Gloria Marton from Treviso.

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