POLITICS | 12/12/2024 | 08:18
di Mariagrazia Nicoletti
Koos Moerenhout, technical commissioner of the Dutch national team, was recently in Rwanda with his Federation. When I envy someone I respect, or envy his Cycling Federation, I immediately try to channel the emotion towards a positive goal. First, I must understand.
First, I must understand. Why is the Dutch coach already working on the 2025 World Championships while in Italy, Coaches are forced to go through the sabbatical period of federal elections that could affect their future? Has it always been like this?
I ask him: Koos, what were you doing in Rwanda?
"We were there for the RIGHT TO PLAY project and to see the 2025 World Championships circuit".
Koos is alert and loves Italy, where he has also bought a house. I don't need to ask him questions, he already gives me the answers.
"We coaches normally have ongoing contracts, mine goes up to Los Angeles 2028".
I insist: Have the federal elections already taken place?
Koos doesn't know the exact date, but still anticipates my thought: "I believe they are at the end of 2025, but they do not constitute a moment that could in any way interfere with the coaches' contracts". And with his answer, Koos wanted to emphasize that in the Netherlands, this is the norm.
From there, a leap takes us to nearby Spain, where a new coach will probably arrive, who should be Alejandro Valverde. But Pascual Momparler, who for 12 years, through various categories, has served as coach of the Real Federación Española de Ciclismo, will not be removed by the new president, and will be able to make all his experience available for a different federal role.
The positive goal could therefore be that our Federation also returns to being compact, keeping in mind that electoral programs must deal with the future of the movement, starting from supporting youth activities, while technical activities should follow different logics and times, precisely disconnected from elections.
But in a Country where everything submits and bends to "politics" in a broad sense, there are few chances that the positive goal can be achieved.
Fortunately, the happy ending is once again provided by Koos Moerenhout. He tells us that he loves Italy and that during the 2000 time trial at the start of the Giro d'Italia, route from the Colosseum to the Vatican, immersed in that incredible concentration of art, he was struck by Stendhal Syndrome. A Dutch cyclist immersed in his flow, nothing could stand against the imposingness of the most beautiful city in the world.
Joking (seriously?) Koos tells us that his performance was not special then, because he was in full artistic bewilderment and had forgotten to pedal. In any case, from that moment Koos began to study Italian art and language with passion, and the stay of his Dutch house is dominated by a giant photograph of the eternal city.

Copyright © TBW
12 dicembre 2024 14:56 Bullet
Piuttosto che girarci attorno partendo da altre realtà, perché non si dice chiaramente chi dovrebbe essere il CT giusto e come dovrebbe lavorare? Perché anche Bennati mi pare abbia avuto un tempo sufficiente per far vedere la sua mano per poi fare due pessime figure a europei e mondiali come anche non esistono CT senza scadenza e questo vale in tutte le federazioni.

12 dicembre 2024 17:49 Geomarino
Koos,tecnico e persona straordinaria!Bravo!

12 dicembre 2024 18:40 Pino1943
Purtroppo al povero Benati nessuno può insegnare niente.Quelli prima di lui erano delle mezze calzette.Contratti più lunghi e tanta pazieza.

12 dicembre 2024 18:59 lupin3
Il CT lo sceglie il presidente federale. Se questo non va bene a qualcuno nei modi o nelle tempistiche, cambiate le regole. Vabé che ultimamente queste ultime sono carta straccia... É evidente come prima delle elezioni e independentemente da chi vincerà, la FCI stia subendo un esautorazione di poteri da parte della Lega, il cui presidente parla effettivamente da presidente federale. Con la regia non troppo occulta di qualcuno.

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