BOOKS | 08/12/2024 | 09:05
di Marco Pastonesi
Alfonsina, the pioneer. Maria, the pure one. Alfonsina, the scandalous. Maria, the volatile. Alfonsina, the circus performer. Maria, the mountain girl. Alfonsina, "the devil in a skirt". Maria, "the flying mom". Alfonsina, the first and only woman to have ever raced the Giro d'Italia with men. Maria, the first Italian to have conquered (twice) the Tour de France. Alfonsina, who was a trailblazer, "one of the first to cross the limit". Challenging herself in a world dominated by men. And she did it with a bicycle, a daredevil means that already seemed like a challenge to the sentiment of the time. Something revolutionary, certainly somewhat suspicious.
Maria, who always had fun, "in any specialty. Sport was not a sacrifice for me, but a great opportunity. My hobby became my job. Few are so lucky", "I would have struggled much more living in a city in an eight-story apartment building". Alfonsina Strada and Maria Canins are the first and seventh of seventeen women that Dario Ceccarelli has elected "The Irresistible Girls" (Minerva, 240 pages, 18 euros, with a preface by Diana Bracco, introduction by Silvia Salis and afterword by Lella Costa), the winning women in Italian sports, the only two cyclists among athletes like Ondina Valla and fencers like Bebe Vio, divers like Tania Cagnotto and canoeists like Josefa Idem, swimmers like Federica Pellegrini and skiers like Federica Brignone. Those who not only fill medal tables, but above all those who are an example of obstinacy and talent, awareness and seriousness.
Ceccarelli draws his Alfonsina from the archives of history: "They do not forgive her for appearing sweaty and disheveled like a laborer. A shame for the entire family that ultimately, through her mother, offers her a way out: marriage", "Even in the North, there is a certain distrust of women on bicycles, sometimes described by newspapers as exalted viragos devoted to a discipline far from feminine", "In a Giro without champions, she, Alfonsina, is the most famous. A symbol of courage and tenacity, of passion and personality. Everyone awaits her, everyone applauds her, everyone encourages her".
Ceccarelli reveals his Maria through interviews and confidences: "I started cycling at 33 years old", "If I had started cycling at 15, I would have been a different person", "When I talk to my young colleagues, I always say to think of sport as fun and not as a constraint. These girls, I say with affection, are a bit crazy. They train 4-5 hours a day. I never did that. Not even before an important race", "Life is not just bicycle or skiing".
Alfonsina, the crazy one. Maria, the tireless. Two girls – Ceccarelli is right – irresistible.

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